I have wrestled within myself for a little while as to whether I - TopicsExpress


I have wrestled within myself for a little while as to whether I should post this or not. Because, I honestly, do not like bringing any attention to myself (hard to believe, I know), but I could not pass this up. This evening, I met with a gentleman about some printing needs. I was there much longer than what I had anticipated, and I wound up missing our prayer meeting this evening. As I was coming home, I had to stop by WalMart to pick up a few things (thank you Kim James, btw As much as I dreaded walking in, it turned out that several God moments were waiting for me inside. And those are what I would like to share with you now. God, truly, never ceases to amaze me! Make sure you read to the end, because there were 4 instances (for the sake of not writing a novel I will only tell 2), and, yes, I will save the best for last. 1. Earlier this week I was doing laundry, and ran across $80.00 (yes it was in my pocket before my girls go crazy). I stuffed it into my wallet and thought that I would squeeze it till it cried. As I was checking out tonight, there was a lovely family of 4 in front of me. As they were running their items through, I hear this little voice in my head (no snide comments please) tell me, This is what that was for. Being the ever Spiritually discerning man of God that I am, I responded with the stirring comment of, Huh?. Again, This is what that was for. I responded, This is what what was for?. The reply, The $80, this is what that is for. At that moment I heard the cashier tell the mother, That will be $79.82 please. Luckily, I was able to blurt out, (in a very loud, improper voice that caused 3 cashiers to pause) STOP!... Oh, crap! Was I really just that loud? Sorry, but I am paying for those. The mother froze, the father came from around the front of the cart and said, What? I replied, I want to pay for your families groceries, and proceeded to tell him the conversation that had just taken place with myself. He said, You will never know what this means. I began to reply with a standard, dont worry about it kinda statement, then I looked up and saw tears forming in his eyes, and he said, No, you REALLY dont know what this means. He continued, I was recently laid off, and my wife and I had to decide earlier in the day if we were going to come and get food with what money we had left, or pay a bill that is past due. You had no way of knowing that did you? Me, being somewhat overwhelmed, told him, I only did what the voice in my head told me to do. (I now understand how humorous that statement is, but at the time, it was all I had) He said, Well, tell the voice in your head thank you, because you have just helped a man who was to proud to ask anyone for help. With my wits about me a little bit more, I responded, Just make sure you say thank you to God. After receiving a hug from all 4 of them they went on to their car, I turn and face the cashier after I wipe tears from my eyes, to see her wiping them from hers also! 2. As I was shopping before that encounter, I came upon a mom with a 2 year old in the cart who was laughing hysterically. I told her how much joy it brought me to hear her child laugh like that, when around the corner comes her other child; a 5 year old little girl in a wheelchair. Upon meeting her, and asking some questions, the mother tells me that the little girl has Congenital talipes equinovarus. I am sure the look of utter confusion and bewilderment led her to explain to me, It is a severe case of clubfoot in her left foot. After asking a few more questions about the cause, severity, and treatment, the mother tells me that she had been told that her girl would need surgery to have any hope of repair. The little girl could walk, very laboriously, with the aide of a cane. I finally got the nerve up to ask if I could pray for her there in the store. The little girl got a HUGE smile on her face and asked her mom, Can he mommy please?, she replied, Sure honey. So, game on! I prayed for her the first time and didnt see any difference, but, when I asked her if she felt anything different, she told me, my foot is really tingly! I asked the mother if I could pray again, because the tingly was a sign that God was doing something. She, somewhat skeptically, agreed. During the middle of my 2nd prayer, I felt her little foot begin to move!!!! I hear this excited, MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY, I CAN FEEL MY FOOT MOVING! I wish that I could tell you that I kept praying, you know, because I am just that spiritual, but I didnt. I was flabbergasted! Her mother and I (along with 2 other folks who were walking by and saw us praying, and stopped to watch), stood there and watched as her foot slowly moved out (it was pointing in) and stop when it got straight! We were all speechless! The little girl stood up, and took off walking without her cane, which she had never been able to do. She was a little off balance, and wobbly, but ALL of us who there to see this were balling like a little baby. Now, you can believe that God heals, or you can believe that He doesnt. I am not here telling you this to argue; all I know is that for a mother, a daughter, a fat, balding preacher, and 2 random strangers, there is now no doubt whether He does, or does not! Praise God!
Posted on: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 23:19:51 +0000

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