I have written this brief texts for those people who wonder about - TopicsExpress


I have written this brief texts for those people who wonder about Ahwazi Arab people and its history: The contemporary history of Alahwaz since the military occupation on1925: This article is a brief summary about the occupied Ahwaz and tries to provide a helpful information of its cotemporary history and it’s prolong fighting for liberation in regaining its independence that was stolen by Iran on 1925. Here we try to refer to general information about Ahwaz that is vital for readers who have not heard about Ahwaz in advance. The total area of Ahwaz is 324,000 square kilometers and is bounded on the west by the Iraqi territory and on the south west by Arabian Gulf and Arabian Peninsula and from the north and the east and south east by the Zagros Mountains and the natural interval within Ahwaz and Iran. Ahwaz has a population of eight million Arabs and the natural resources of Ahwaz are petrol, Gas and its soil has a great potential for agriculture and Ahwaz has three rivers such as KAROON, JARAHI and KARKHE that play a vital role in irrigating of arable lands. Ahwaz is one the Arab countries which is located in east of the Arab world and one of the usurped parts of the Arab world. As we known Sheikh kazaal was the last leader of Ahwaz that was assassinated by the government of IRAN when they invaded Ahwaz in 1925 and occupied it by military action and massacred many people who resisted in tackling with the occupied Persian troops. Khazaal the son of Jabber Mardaw took the power of Emirate of Almmouhamrah after the death of his brother Sheikh Mzaal who governed on the emirate of Almmouhamarh for about ten years . He was very intelligent leader in foreign policy and tried to prosper and glorify the economy of Ahwaz at that time and he had a steady and demur ties with Iraq especially with the prince Faisal and the sheikh of All-suadi and other Arab Gulf countries such as Kuwait. Ahwaz has been experienced a very important events in the era of Sheikh khazaal : 1: The oil eruption in Ahwaz in 1908 diverted the attention of the colonial desire of the Persian state, British and west countries to extend and control and expand their colonial influence in Ahwaz. 2: The emergence of foreign interests in the Arabian Gulf region. 3: The outbreak of the first war world in 1914, where the location of the emirate of Ahwaz was strategically important for the countries that were involved in the war. 4: The collapse of Ghajari ruling in Persia (Iran) and taking over the rein of power by the Pahlavi ruling which invaded and occupied Ahwaz in 1925. Since the first war world broke out the Othman empire became in the opposite side against Britain so the British government ordered to lunch troops to Abadan and the emirate of Almmouhamrah and had been given strategic justification for the invasion of Ahwaz, including maintenance of oil in Ahwaz for British consumption and Shiekh khazaal allied with Britain in the war to expel the Turks from Basra to provide a security for the emirate of Ahwaz and Almmouhamrah was a important base of Britain in war and Shiekh khazaal had been allied in all the stages with Britain in its war in the region because Sheikh Khazaal was desperately in need to support from a great foreign power such as Britain to promote and protect the emirate of Ahwaz against all the invasions of Persian state and Othman empire at that time. Sheikh khazaal could see that he stood between three fires: Britain and Othman empire and the Persia state and he probably had no alternative because the three side could encroach on Ahwaz territory and his power so he would eventually collaborate with the foreign power seeking for support to preserve his rule on the emirate of Ahwaz that is why he chose the Sheikh khazaal was also one of the candidates for the monarchy for the throne of Iraq ,but when he saw the Britain diplomacy is not enthusiastic about his candidacy he retreated from his candidacy because MR Bill the secretary affairs of middle east in Baghdad at that time urged Sheikh khazaal to desist from his candidacy campaign to open the way for prince Faisal to win the throne of Iraq, at the other hand the Britain does not want to win Sheikh khazaal because this means the unite normal between Iraq and Ahwaz that may have political and strategic problems for Britain, and then Sheikh khazaal waived his candidacy on the throne of Iraq for the prince Faisal. The political position of Sheikh khazaal promoted after his nomination for the monarchy throne of Iraq and involved into treaties with Britain and became a prominent figure in the international relations in the region, at the other side the Reza khan was planning how to topple and eliminate the influence of the increasing power of Sheikh khazaal ,Reza khan in his dairies mentioned that” it is necessary to eliminate the prince of Ahwaz ,where his emirate lasted for years runs independently within the boundary of his emirate where fully backed by foreign support in his ruling and Tehran government has not any authority over him.” To be mentioned that Reza khan became a chief commander of Iran’s armed forces on 1921 after being ousted the ministry of ziauldin Tabatabai and then as a prime minister in 1925 proclaimed himself as a king of Persia. In the meantime Reza shah changed his policy toward Russia and finally the political ties improved between Tehran and Moscow because the soviets surprised pleasantly after Reza shah took the rule in Persia in the belief that he heads a national and revolutionary movement and his military coup is a historical event that inaugurates a new prospective era for Russia interests in Iran and they also believed that Reza shah military dictatorship will be a transitional phase toward a republican system then the good relations between Iran and Russia led to a treaty in 1921 which recognized fully the independence of Iran and even more the Russia had been given up the financial debt that sought from Iran instead to achieve its political objectives in Iran. Because Russia wanted to keep its political ties strongly with Iran to access to the warm water of Arabian Gulf to eliminate the influence of the colonial Britain and its petroleum and commercial interests in the region. Britain wisely found that for preserving and keeping its political and economic interest must tighten its political ties with Iran so that Reza shah will be able to stand against the communist movement as bulwark to prevent Russia from accessing to the Arabian Gulf and at the other hand Britain wanted to dominate on Persia to guarantee its political and economic interests in Persia and Arabian Gulf region effectively so Reza shah seized the opportunity of this close political ties with Britain and asked the Britain to give up of their protection of the emirate of Ahwaz and Sheikh khazaal so that Reza shah be able to invade Ahwaz by military action to occupy Ahwaz and eliminate the Arab rule of Sheikh kazaal and finally Britain responded to his request and facilitated the way for him to occupy the emirate of Ahwaz and assassinated Sheikh kazaal in the 1925/4/20AD. In fact Sheikh khazaal stabbed on the back from Britain because Sheikh khazaal knew well that the king of Persia is planning for invasion and occupation of Ahwaz and was looking forward to Britain to fulfill its political pledges to protect and stand against imminent Persia invasion and provide military assistance for Ahwaz army but Britain overturned all its treaties with Sheikh kazaal and plotted with Persia state in the military occupation of Ahwaz. Since the military occupation of Ahwaz many people man and woman fought and sacrificed themselves for the sake of liberation of Ahwaz from the Persian occupation and the more oppression of Iranian regime, the more commitment of Ahwazian people to fight by every means for the freedom and independence of Ahwaz. “Written by Rahim Hamid”
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 10:24:19 +0000

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