I just got this post to my page in regards to Raju the elephant - TopicsExpress


I just got this post to my page in regards to Raju the elephant being freed, and well…. I just can’t help myself. First off, I am very happy for this elephant’s freedom. It is a sad day for me to hear of any animal being held in captivity nonetheless being tortured. Secondly, I have not read a long list of hate letters (in fact not one letter) to the owners and captors of the Circus elephants, lions, tigers and bears. Oh My! Or any other wild animal that is held under captivity for any reason. Personally I’m sick and tired of hearing and reading about the double standard efforts and closed minded views of ANTI HUNTERS who are not vegan. Even worse are the ones that have the nerve to portray hunters as cold blooded killers and murderers while accepting other forms of inhumane behavior and torture of other animals into their lives. This would also include standing by with your mouth and minds closed while the destruction of our environment takes place one day at a time. You can’t blame that one on the hunters! I for one, an animal lover, am also pro animal freedom. Also known as FAIR CHASE to a hunter. In other words if it is in captivity it shouldn’t be and I don’t want any part of it. I also have taught my children that if it’s not for food don’t kill it. And if it’s part of nature don’t destroy it. An ethical hunter would rather put a bullet in the head of any animal and end the suffering and pain immediately opposed to the unethical and twisted reasoning that animals shackled and kept in a cage is somehow ok as long as they aren’t hunted. SERIOUSLY? Where do you get your beliefs? Or do you even know where they came from? And While I’m on the subject let’s be clear on my short definition of a HUNTER VS. KILLER We all seem to get categorized into one group which is another error on all accounts. KILLER = Someone who has no connection with the animals or wildlife in which they kill, does not utilize nor care if the meat of a harvested animal is utilized, brags only about the horns and not about the hunt, teaches his children that the most important thing is the size of the animal. HUNTER = Follows an crucial code of ethics, never purposely takes a bad shot, utilizes all of the meat even if through donation, gives back to conservation, promotes ethical hunting and behavior, has a deep appreciation for nature and the outdoors, loves to view wildlife (even when alive). Loses sleep for days at times when an animal is wounded and suffers even for a minute. I am an ethical hunter who only hunts what he is willing to eat and only fair chase but I judge no one who hunts or doesn’t hunt provided they don’t condemn my heritage. Who are any of you to judge and condemn me or anyone like me for the actions of ethical hunting while you refuse to look into the eyes and confront the true demons? You are disgusting and wrong to even attempt to judge. Do you overlook the capture and torture of zoo and circus animals for the benefit of entertainment, turn your cheek knowing that they are frequently abused, purchase your meat in a grocery store knowing that you paid someone else to kill and butcher it for you while also knowing that it’s living conditions were likely beyond horrific? And you also stand silent while you accept the poisoning and littering of our oceans, lakes, rivers and streams? You are ignorant to the beliefs of hunters and have them mixed up with killers. I believe I speak for the majority of hunters when I say as a hunter these very things sicken us. We fight for these very animals that we hunt. They are our lives. What do you do for the animals? How much do you donate to habitat? How often do you clean up garbage left behind by so many non-hunters that just aren’t in touch? Do the right thing and become a NON HUNTER instead. Maybe then we can all save the world together. Mike Jenkins – Against Unethical Anti’s
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 05:10:55 +0000

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