I just love the benefits Juice Plus+ has!!! JUICE PLUS+ & - TopicsExpress


I just love the benefits Juice Plus+ has!!! JUICE PLUS+ & AUTO-IMMUNE DISEASES By WENDY CAMPBELL, R.N. [The following is a transcription of a telephone training done by Wendy Campbell, Juice Plus+ NMD] We need to understand the teaching behind Juice Plus+ to be able to explain it to those with auto-immune diseases like Lupus and MS. These people are sometimes concerned about building up the immune system because whenever research comes out it is difficult to understand. There have been some blips about Lupus and MS where they were very upset and said, “If you build up the immune system, you have something that happens that actually makes these conditions worse.” This is a misnomer. It is information that went astray. Let me explain: With a normal operating immune system, you have T-cells (the generals in charge of everything) on top and then the B-cells (like the foot soldiers) doing the bidding, carrying out the orders of the T-cells. If you get a sliver in your finger, the T-cells say, “Go! Send the white blood cells so we can build up some protection there.” It’s exciting to see this system in operation. If you get a virus or bacteria, this big attack team goes into force. Auto-immune disorders like MS, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis , which are the largest growing group of disorders in America, were rare 25 years ago. We also have other new types of disorders like AIDS, ADD, ADHD, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Fibromyalgia. Many of these are looped together, especially Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia. If they have a symptom from one, they very often get the other. These are all auto-immune disorders, and they may include cancer in this category in the future. What happens in your body with these disorders is that the T-cells, the generals, go down and the B-cells, the foot soldiers, rise up, and this creates complete havoc. Your own body is turning against itself, creating defenses in the wrong areas. Why one person gets Lupus and another gets Fibromyalgia we do not understand. It could be linked to genetic predispositions, environmental factors, stress, mental factors. We do not really know why. What we do know is that the reaction in the body that sets up these symptoms is really similar. When you stimulate the immune system ARTIFICIALLY, it actually makes it worse. This is because you are stimulating something that has gone haywire and it is attacking its own body even more so. However, the research on Juice Plus+ is very clear and it is very exciting when it comes to things like auto-immune disorders because we know that in 80 days, the immune system is enhanced, but not just stimulated so it wreaks havoc and goes amok. It changes. It goes back into homeostasis, a balance. The T-cells come back up and the B-cells go down. When AIDS first came out yeas ago, the only thing doctors focused on was whether the T-cell count was up or not. Five to six years later they began focusing on the relationship between the T-cells and B-cells. It was not so important what the total count was, but rather the balance between the two. Eighty days on Juice Plus and the T-cells go back up while the B-cells go down. So a balance was starting to be created in the body. This is really good news for somebody with an auto-immune disorder. On top of that, the cytokines go up (which effect the entire immune system) and the natural killer cells (which are very specific for fast growing cells in the body like tumor/cancer cells) also go up. Balance is created when you take Juice Plus+, or eat fruits and vegetables! This is the power of the relationship between nutrition and disease. This is what is exciting about Juice Plus+! Let’s look at the other two studies: In the antioxidant study, the antioxidant level goes up, lipid peroxides or free radicals come down by 75% and in one third of the participants there are no discernable free radicals. When free radicals are diminishing that is less that the body has to deal with. The immune system is not taxed trying to deal with all those free radicals which are now being neutralized by fruits and vegetables naturally, not artificially by fragmented mega doses of antioxidants [vitamins]. We know that doesn’t work. The DNA study: The DNA is the template or model of the cell, and cells are dying and regenerating every day. If you get all new cells in the body within a year, why does the body look the same or worse than it did last year? It is because whatever damage was done to the DNA in that cell over the period of your lifetime gets duplicated, plus any new damage that might have occurred from free radicals gets created and added to that DNA template as well. Therefore, whatever new cell may be created, is the same or worse than before. When you look at the DNA study with the Juice Plus+ research, we find that the DNA health can be measured in the length of the strand. The longer the tail is on the DNA strand, the more disease is inherent in that DNA template. After 80 days on Juice Plus+, the tail actually gets shorter by 66%, showing a repair no matter what disease somebody has! This means if you are already well, you are looking at prevention and staying that way and Juice Plus+ seems to be a good start on that. If you are ill, there is going to be some positive enhancements to your overall health. However, we do not know exactly what will happen in any one person’s body. This is why we do not focus on testimony. But it doesn’t matter what disease anybody has. Juice Plus+ will enhance their health. For myself, my arthritis went away in a few days, but I stopped telling people that because maybe their arthritis did not go away for four or eight months. Why did I have such a great enhancement right away and others did not? First of all, the body is a miracle, but I believe what happens is the body is going to take those nutrients and send them to the most needy area of the body, the most life threatening, where cancer is, for example. You can have cancer for 20-30 years before you see or feel the symptoms of that cancer. But the body knows it’s there! So, when you take in nutrition and start enhancing the overall picture of your body, I believe the nutrients are going to go where the body needs it the most, WHETHER YOU FEEL IT OR NOT! My husband’s irritable bowel syndrome and asthma both went away very, very quickly. He didn’t have to use an inhaler any more. He had the type of asthma that was induced by illness or exercise. I put off putting him on cortisone and the doctors were angry with me for not doing what they said, but I kept him off because I didn’t want him on that stuff. When I put him on the Juice Plus+, the asthma went away, but I am not going to say that from the front of the room because it is testimony and other asthmatics may be there and theirs is not going to go away. But maybe they had fewer episodes of wheezing and over a period of time it went away, or maybe not totally, but certainly they did get better. What I see with the auto-immune disorders such as Lupus and MS is not that we are curing all of these diseases, but that their symptoms seem to be manifesting less often, less severely and the times between episodes rising up are longer. I hear that from those with Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, MS. Juice Plus+ is NOT CURING, but we are supporting the body in its effort to keep this thing under control. This is what we can present to those with auto-immune disorders to educate them and assist them in their own research. We have seen these improvements through the research and that is what we want to focus on. All three of these studies were shared at the largest gathering of Cellular Biologists in the world – 15,000-20,000 of them – two years in a row. They did not allow any other supplement studies’ research to be presented except Juice Plus+, because of the scientific validity behind ours. This gives Juice Plus+ great credibility in the medical world. It is manufactured to the quality control standards of pharmaceuticals even though we are not required to do so by law. I think the people that have these illnesses need to know that, because they get confused as to which direction to go. Our job is just to be the messenger and allow these people to do their own research and figure out the huge relationship between nutrition and disease. We know that Juice Plus+, by every means of measurement, does support that.
Posted on: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 14:19:48 +0000

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