I just wanna apologize to all the softies Ive been a dick to over - TopicsExpress


I just wanna apologize to all the softies Ive been a dick to over the years. Ok well no I dont really apologize for bein me!!! If you all havent noticed as my good brother Ryan McCoy says, I have what you call brutal honesty. I am a very straight forward guy. Maybe even to straight forward for my own good. I am and also keep it REAL regardless of the situation. Ill admit that back in the younger days I may have taken some things to far. We all do at some point in life. After going through where Ive been these past two years, Ive learned that being the way I am is the best way to be. Yes Ive also learned in some situations only speak if spoken to. I do admit I had a very big problem with that. Basically what I am trying to say is that holding back your thoughts and emotions will only make it worse on yourself. We dont have the freedom of speech for nothing guys. Im not saying go cuss out everybody that we want to. What I am saying is, throughout life all you hear people tell you is be honest or keep it real with me or whoever. Ive learned to speak my mind while at the same time taking others into consideration. Unless whoever is just being or talking like the complete idiot they are then I just cut loose on em and let em have it. But as far as a normal everyday situation Im gonna tell you how I see it. As I admitted before I may have not done it in such a calm and nice way back in the day as I do now, but hey people do change. It just trips me out how everybody wants nothing but your honesty and wants you to be real with them no matter what, but as soon as the situation arises where your honesty and being real with whoever it is takes action, all of a sudden Im a dick or an asshole for givin people what they ask for. Honesty. Yes back years ago I did it in a dick head way. Now I can calmly be real and be honest, yet Im still an asshole? Doesnt make sense to me at all? What do people want,honesty and realness, or lies and fakeness? Lemme just sum this up. No thank god I am not who I used to be, but when it comes to being real and honesty, that hasnt and will never change. Im a tough guy to deal with. If you dont want your feelings hurt or if you dont want somebody tellin you how it is instead of tellin you what you wanna hear, DO NOT COME TO ME. Dont try and be my friend well in my words family if you cant handle a real guy. Like I said, I speak the truth! For instance, if you feel like the pants you have on makes you look fat, dont ask me if you do look it because Im gonna tell you straight up. Dont ask me my opinion if you know youre not gonna like the answer because well, as usual you will get the truth. REGARDLESS no matter how its gonna make you feel, I TELL THE TRUTH. I dont do it to be mean. I dont want to hurt anybodys feelings. Then again Id rather hurt somebody by telling the truth then hurting them by lying then hurting them again when the truth finally comes out, which we all know in the end the truth comes out. Lies ruin friends and relationships. Honesty not only keeps a friendship or relationship going but it makes it stronger. Knowing that no matter what you will get the truth. All Im saying is I am who, what, and how I am. I cant please everybody but I can be real and honest wit everybody. So if youre still reading this you obviously know by now if you cant handle the truth, Im not the guy to come to. Lies are for kids yo. Plain and simple. We are grown so lets act like it. Dont go telling whoever it is you are telling to just be real and honest. Because when they give you what you want your liable to hate em for it. My moral to this is dont ask questions you dont want to know the answer to and damn sure dont tell anybody you want their honesty if you cant handle it
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 09:21:34 +0000

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