I just wanted to share my day with you. I woke up this morning in - TopicsExpress


I just wanted to share my day with you. I woke up this morning in bed next to the women of my dreams. In a house filled with cherished memories of my lovely wife, my children. I made a bowl of cereal & prayed to God in heaven for the food that I was about to consume, my family & friends, I also asked if he would watch over us all and keep us safe & free from harm. I then ate my breakfast & watched the news afterwords I laid in bed to look over my beautiful wife Christen Summers while she slept. I then went to church for the first time in like two months. My church family greeted me with love & caring concerns for my family & I, Gods word & Pastor Todd Bennersermon splashed over my sole like the ocean to a cliff. Man it felt Great. I then came home to spend a few minutes with my wife & youngest daughterAlissa Summers) before they left for the farm. I spent time thinking about my daughter Ashly Summers whom I have called twice with no response (I love you). Around 2 I decided to go get a Thank you card for Chuck Half Sack McFalls mom for helping us out on our Grand Opening last Saturday. Man it is so nice to have so many people love & care for you willing to help out when you need it. Then I attended a meeting with the Widows Sons Wayfarers Louisville,Ky. It was great to see my extended family, visit with my brothers & sisters. I am so blessed. Afterwords I meet my wife, youngest daughter, my mother ( Mary Ann Summers), brother( Tommy Summers), Sister-in-law ( Bridget Morrow) for dinner. It was great to visit with them while missing my oldest daughter (Ashly Summers) & my dad ( Paul E. Summers). While was taking a shower I prayed to God & thanked him for all these blessings, 1. I woke up 2. I was next to my wife 3. I have two wonderful kids 4. Im in a bed in a house 5. I had food to eat 6. I could go to church un harmed & pray to God, give praises to him, & take in his words of wisdom. 7.I have a loving church family 8. A friends mom can do amazing things for you. 9. My masonic family is Fantastic 10. I love my family & friends I am very thankful for everyone of them. I just wanted to share my day. God bless & remember the little things.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 01:38:50 +0000

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