I just watched the movie Pacific Rim and it was awesome! Everyone - TopicsExpress


I just watched the movie Pacific Rim and it was awesome! Everyone was right about this movie. The trailer sucked, so I never really wanted to watch it. Robots fighting in the ocean? Cmon!?? Plus it didnt have any real big names attached to it, so I passed on it. I was TOTALLY wrong. Pacific Rim succeeded where Transformers and Godzilla failed. To explain my point, I have to talk about Transformers and Godzilla for a minute. First, neither Transformers or Godzillar developed the main characters. I dont care what anyone says, the main character in Transformers is Optimus Prime. What did the first 4 Transformers movies tell you about Optimus Prime? Ok, hes a robot, hes from another planet, Cyberton, and the war between the Autobots and Decepticons destroyed their planet. The Autobots want to find something called the Allspark to rebuild Cybertron, the Decepticons want the Allspark to rule the galaxy. Maybe theres more to it, but thats all the movie tells us. So far, theres been 4, count em, FOUR Transformers movies and, AGAIN, what do you know about the main character Optimus Prime? Nothing. Thats it. No flashbacks of Optimus growing up, or Optimus early years. What was his job before leaving Cybertron and searching for the Allspark? Did he have a family? Do Transformers even have families? Transformers is a WAR movie, plain and simple. The Autobots are at war with the Decepticons, thats it. So, why not make it a war movie. You can still make it high tech with all the CGI, but give them backstories like every other war movie gives the soldier/main characters. Ok, now for Godzilla. The main character IS Godzilla. The movie should center around Godzilla, not humans reacting to Godzilla. The 2014 version tells us almost nothing about Godzilla, and thats where they screwed up. The only character im interested in is Godzilla, not Walter White or his kid. No human to root for. Since neither Transformers or Godzilla werent going to develop the OBVIOUS main characters, they gave us lame, useless human characters to root for. They also did this in the last Avengers movie. Characters like Black Widow, Hawkeye, and even Captain America really did the busy work while the real characters were out actually fighting. Shia Labeouf had no powers and no actual way to help the autobots besides pointing them in the right direction at times, but even THAT was kind of lame. Anyways, there was no human to root for in Godzilla either. I was kind of rooting for Bryan Cranston, but then it focuses on his kid who was just a lame human and had no real hand in bringing down Godzillas nemesis MUTO. In all these movies, we just want to see the big boys fight. In the movie Rocky, it was based around him, not Rockys kid, or some fan watching Rocky fight. I think its just a problem with perspective. Anyways...Pacific Rim. This movie was excellent. They got through a LOT of story REALLY quick. Basically, these creatures called Kaiju start to teleport from the earths core or somewhere deep inside the earths crust, through the Pacific Ocean, and come and destroy earths cities. Humans banded together and invented these giant robots called Jaegers (like the drink) to fight the Kaijus. Jax Teller from Sons of Anarchy is the main character. He and his friend captain one of the Jaegers and end up smashing it up, he gets fired, the Government cancels the Jaeger program and Jax ends up working construction. Yada, Yada, Yada, the Kaiju come back bigger and badder, they get Jax to help, and craziness ensues. What They Did Right. Point #1. They focused on the main character. You were rooting for Jax the whole time. You actually felt like you knew who this character was, unlike Transformers or Godzilla. Point #2. The action scenes werent too fast. You could actually tell what these giant robots were doing while they were fighting, unlike Transformers. The robots scenes seemed real because they slowed them down a tad and then would cut to the humans who were operating the robots, kind of like a boxing match. It just looked cool. Also, the alien creatures werent too slow like how Godzilla was too slow. I know everyone likes Godzilla, but damn, that dude moves slooooooooooowwww!. Point#3. Good Casting. Jax, the main character, aka Charlie Hunnam was ok, but everyone else made up for what he lacked. Idris Elba, the gatekeeper dude Heimdall from Thor, he was also in The office, and in that show Luther thats on Netflix. He was badass. But, who really stole the show was Charlie from Its Always Sunny in Pennsylvania. He plays Dr. Newton Geiszler and rocks that shit! Rent this movie, or go to the library, like I did and get it for free. Its so badass. The effects are spot on, everything is amazing about this movie. If I did have any criticism, it would be that the beginning of the 3rd act lagged for about 20 minutes. That part couldve totally been done better. I wish I wouldve seen this movie in the theatres!
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 04:18:02 +0000

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