I know I annoy a good portion of you with my political posts - TopicsExpress


I know I annoy a good portion of you with my political posts however I dont apologize for filling your news feed with useful information and even if some is false or you disagree with it, and some of my words are horribly misspelled or auto correct replaced it with the wrong word( for which I do apologize lol) its still a fact that there are numerous problems in todays society. I simply hope to get you to think about the world we live in, take away the filters of main stream media and give an alternative. The biggest problem however is most of you already know that everything that is fed to you is bullshit but no one wants to cause a scene or be that guy so nothing is done. Please for your own good leave your blissful ignorance behind for a moment and realize the FIXABLE problems in our world, many people mistake my posts as me being a pessimistic shit that hates the world but this is not the case, I hope to recognize the problem at hand and provide an alternative solution.because the first step to solve ing a problem is realizing there is one. Everyone is in agreement on one thing though the world we live in today will not last in its currant state, the system is very fragile and due to cyber hacking mixing with cyber banking inflation is growing... But I digress, the true problem in the world is the banking industry. This is even known by those whom could fix it but they would rather reap rewards out of it instead. This was shown in the first depression (yes what we live in nowadays is a mild depression but it is worse than a digression) the stocks were mostly owned by banks , problem is banks DONT OWN THE MONEY THEY HAVE they juggle your money in stocks and they get their money there but what happens when the stocks crash and YOUR money is lost ... The same thing that happened in the Great Depression people will flood the banks demanding their money but after the Great Depression they enacted a law that stated that the bank only has to give you 14% of your balance if they have the rest in THEIR BONDS this is made easier for them through CDs and mortgages. Which brings me to my biggest point WE DONT NEED BANKS THEY NEED US!!! Put it this way , at one point in time you could walk out into the woods and build a house and live their no prob right?! WRONG!! The banks make bookoo bucks off of property , look at for closures and abandoned properties , rationality would have it hey theirs thousands of homeless and a bunch if empty homes in this case two problems should make a solution! Right? WRONG AGAIN! Because though this is the humanitarian way it is not the CAPITALIST WAY this is why other countries hate us we even treat each other like shit. Going off from property for a moment lets look at trade shall we? This is were we have problems right? Too much is imported not enough export, this is again tied to banking in the respect that it is cheaper to use sweat shops than industrial America. This is a huge problem in the world it is modern day slavery!!! These under privileged people are taken advantage of to make shoes cloth and cheap plastic trinkets , not only is this inhuman but its also a huge factor in our national debt the coast to import it makes us owe that county more and more. MY solution to this problem would be place a terrif (import tax) on imported goods that the company would have to pay in order to do trade with Americans the biggest consumers in the world, wile also lowering the taxes on industrial functions on US soil. this would entice American industry to grow and more people would buy American because it would be cheaper and if not then the terrif placed on it would go towards paying off the national debt . If you actually read this I thank you for your time and commend you on your concern for our country and (as constitutionally defined not how degenerates in projects define it) welfare of its people keep fighting the good fight and be kind because the key to peace between people is understanding and compromise the premise we built this nation on that we have lost somewhere along the way. have a great day and remember to pay it forward
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 15:22:19 +0000

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