I know I keep banging on about this but there really is some great - TopicsExpress


I know I keep banging on about this but there really is some great stuff on the CTF Forum. I have just been checking out some material over there and I was reminded of an incredible discussion that was started by Cochitlehua in September 2010. in one of my responses I made the following comment: Indeed the more I read about the work being done at the real leading edge of particle physics the more excited I become with regard to a possible grand-theory-of-everything that will show that consciousness, space, time. matter, dark matter, dark energy, Bose-Einstein condensates etc etc are all linked at a lower level of causation. I am sure that the late, and very great, David Bohm, would be fascinated by these discoveries. For example one of the biggest challenges to the present model is the strange way in which by smashing sub atomic particles together we end up with more materialthan when we started. I have just finished reading a book by Frank Wilczek entitled The Lightness of Being (subtle reference here to the great novel The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera, one of the great novels that deals with a central itladian theme, the Eternal Recurrence). May I again stress to any skeptics out there that Professor Wilczek is a particle physicist and a Nobel prize-winner, not some new-age woo-woo. In this new book (first published in 2008, and in revised paperback this year) Wilczek tells it as it is with regard to what really is going on at the present time with regard to mans search for the real nature of matter - and yet again this is as far away from the cosy world Victorian science inhabited by skeptics as you can possibly get. For example this is what he writes in his opening statement: MATTER IS NOT WHAT IT APPEARS TO BE. Its most obvious property - variously called resistance to motion, inertia, or mass - can be understood more deeply in completely different terms. The mass of ordinary matter is the embodied energy of more basic building blocks, themselves lacking mass. Nor is space what it appears to be. What appears to our eyes as empty space is revealed to our minds as a complex medium full of spontaneous activity This is the kind of stuff that intrigues me and drives me on to write about it. I am in agreement with some who say that this does not prove the existence of PSI, precognition, ghosts, UFOs or any other manifestations of New Age thinking but it does tell us that our understanding of the nature of the observed universe is far more complex than we can ever imagine. We have built our science open observed phenonomenon. This is good science. We have experimented with matter, liquids and gasses, we have a chemistry that can create new and wonderful materials, and we have a world-model that makes sense ..... however so did the Aristotelians. Their model also worked for 99% of observed phenomenon. But it was wrong! Newtonian science also worked for 99% of observed phenomenon, but black-body radiation, bright line optical spectra and the photoelectric effect were all anomalies that did not fit with the model. From this came Plancks quanta, Bohrs atom and Einsteins light particles. These intuitions changed everything. Suddenly the model worked again. But the quantum model is not complete (as Einstein stated in his famous EPR paper). There are black swans that refuse to fit. For example, when electrons and positrons are accelerated and smashed into each other at the Large Electron-Positron Collider (LEP) at CERN in Geneva the disintegrate and create a great deal of debris. For example a typical collision might produce ten mesons, a proton and an anti-proton. Now this may not be of any real interest to most people. However, and this really is weird, according to Wilczek What comes out weighs about thirty thousand times as much as went in. Oops. As he later says: Its as if a magician dropped two peas into her hat and pulled out a few dozen rabbits. But Mother Nature is no cheap trickster; her magic is a deep truth. Weve got some explaining to do We certainly do. And I am suspect that the explanations will be far closer to my position on these things than those oh so sure skeptics who seem to have all the answers by ignoring the really important questions while attacking easy targets such as Mediums, Chanellers and Angel Therapists! ......
Posted on: Fri, 09 May 2014 11:59:47 +0000

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