I love cultural diversity and welcome all opportunities to form - TopicsExpress


I love cultural diversity and welcome all opportunities to form alliances... TIGER LILY - LOVE ....We were relieved to see Ugg-a-Wugg reworked. As a descendant of Cherokee Nation yourself, were you at all involved in that process? They had figured out a good amount of it before we started rehearsals and we continued to workshop different actual Native American phrases. There were a couple different workshops. I would be told what it is and it was a really open process. They wanted to make it as authentic and true to these Native American aspects in the show. … They not only changed the words, but also the rhythms were more authentic and less stereotypical, to make it less offensive and more true to the culture that were somewhat representing. When I found out that I was going to be doing this, I thought there was no way that they could do Ugg-a-Wugg. Its way too offensive to be on national television. So, when I got to the first rehearsal and found out that they were changing it, I was very relieved... ~Alana Saunders, Peter Pan live OK, so thats the good part; the bad part is they have re-named the song praising Tiger Lily as a friend & ally- True Blue Brothers . Really ? No sister-love ?? Political correctness, a work in progress. youtu.be/i5wSduImJ9c
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 17:45:53 +0000

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