I made my peace. I drove home yesterday and I really had a a long - TopicsExpress


I made my peace. I drove home yesterday and I really had a a long talk with my Father in Heaven. I used a lot of profanity and vulgar language as I was releasing the hurt that people associated with organized religion have brought to me. I realize now that whether I call myself a Pentecostal, Catholic, Baptist, Jew, Muslim, Messianic, etc, these are all man made labels that mean nothing to our Father in Heaven. Its time for me to let go of the labels that man has put on me, whether it means a religious label, or a diagnosis. I never realized how lost I was until I came of this roller coaster life I have been living. I lost a lot of time, money, and emotional well-being by trying to support dying Churches and Congregations. Its not about our denomination or our religious persuasions that make us who we are. We are his children, made in his image. We look like the one who made us and we have the same nature as he does, but, for many, it is buried in mediocrity and lies. The time is coming when all who are in their graves will be called out. That also includes those of us who are dead in our religious graves of denominations. It may be too late to negotiate with him about how little we did for those who had no food, no drink, who were naked and we didnt cloth them, who were sick and we looked the other way, who needed a place to stay and we closed the door, who were in prison and we ignored them. Maybe religion was never meant to be about the money, but for so many, money has become the norm. Here is my honest plea: If you have some extra money, please dont give it to a Church. It is not the responsibility for a Church to do the things the Messiah talked about in Matthew 25:31-46 or a Synagogue or Mosque. We ALL are supposed to take care of our hurting brothers and sisters: emotionally (By giving them love), physically (by giving them food and drink, clothing, shelter,companionship) Mentally (by supporting them and encouraging them), financially (by giving to them in their time of need when we have the means to do so) and finally spiritually (by praying for the will of the Father for them). I left it up to Church leaders and Rabbis to do the things that I know I can do on my own. They didnt do these things, so now I am going to make an effort to help my brothers and sisters out. I am saying good bye to religion and all of its tentacles and I am releasing myself to live to my fullest potential while there is still time. Two months ago I was instructed by a friend to start a new organization called Sound Mind Ministries which will be an outreach to the mentally ill. Having been wrongfully diagnosed with a mental illness for the last 30 years I realize now that I could never do anything for the Father while I carried the label of a denomination or a label from a psychiatrist. I am in the process of coming off of my medication in a controlled and stable way. I will be doing this through the help of a Doctor and a Naturopath. The last 30 years has been a long and winding road with many disappointments and a lot of grief. I apologize to those I have hurt in the past, please forgive me. For those of you who have hurt me in the past I forgive you. These past 30 years have been very painful for me, but today is a new day. I still have some residual hurt inside me and it may flare up, but Im working on it. May the Father bless you and show us all the way out of this deep darkness that surrounds us. Paul.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 04:20:36 +0000

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