I need to talk to you about miracles. We use this word so easily - TopicsExpress


I need to talk to you about miracles. We use this word so easily to describe so many things. Like the miracle of birth. It is astounding, amazing, almost unbelievable when you see it or a part of the life giving event but sense the beginning of man there have been about 12 or 13 billion births. I thank of a miracle as being when some one or something over comes tremendous odds. Im thinking at least a million to one or surely 50 million to one. At least that is my opinion. This past weekend my family celebrated Christmas at our house. All seven Daughters and eleven grandchildren were there. Thats practically a miracle. One of my Grand sons, Mollies baby Sam was with us. We call Sam our miracle because when he was born three years ago at three days old he developed viral meningitis. On the fourth day it went to his brain- ensefalitls. These are the babies that are never more than babies. They never talk walk. The ware dippers all there life nor can the chew there food or have any muscle controll. Only three out of a hundred beat those odds but none ever fully recover. Sam is an absolute delight. Always smiling. He gets physical therapy three days a week. He took seven steps recently and can walk with a walker. Because he cant controll his tongue he cant speak but was able to sign I love you mom for the first time recently. We wait to see how much is in that little man and he continues to surprise us. Do we call this a miracle? Yes we do. We count our selves very fortunate to have him in our lives. I am constantly amazed as to how my 24 yr old daughter handles this whole situation. I have come to know another family in the last couple of years that have seen miracles happen. You see its never just one miracle. When something beats insurmountable odds it seems a number of things take place. Its like God set everything in motion thousands of years ago and when something like this happens he changes his mind and intervenes. Physical,biological and medical science are twisted to allow something different to occur. Now Sam is deifying major odds which any betting man in his right mind would never take but there are some that have come through the same valley and have done OK. So what if he got full use of all his mind and body. Would that be a miracle. If he were the only one. Now you should understand that I truly believe that miracles happen because it serves Gods purpose or he hears the prayers of his followers and has mercy on them and gives in to their requests. This next family meets that criteria on so many levels. Traci Hardig passed away Saturday the 27 th of December 2014 after a nine year battle with stage four breast cancer. She left a loving husband, a married daughter and a soon to be 14 year old miracle behind. Traci became a friend through the most difficult of circumstances. Kali Hardig is only the third person to recover from what is commonly called the brain eating ameba. And to my knowledge the only one to recover 100% what are those odds? Sense only one in 1/2 million people exposed to it get it and only one in a hundred live then that would be one in fifty million. Does that qualify as a miracle. If she is the only person on earth to recover 100% then she is one of seven billion. So how and why did this happen? I think I know. Traci and her friends and family had been praying for a long time for healing. When Kali got sick Tracis prayers went from save me to save my baby. She told me when the doctors told her on Saturday that Kali would not live till Monday she responded withI cant plan a funeral for my baby Monday . She was relentless on behalf of Kali. Not leaving her bed side for the fifty five days while Kali was at childrens. As she improved she used every opportunity to get the word out and to get support for her baby. She was always positive, loving, motivating, praying, faithful, kind and strong for her baby all the while taking chemo treatments. I dont know how long the average person lives with stage 4 breast cancer but Traci lived long enough to see her daughter meet the president to the United States of America in the white house , see Kali and her on husband honored at Disney World, go back to school and return to the volley ball team. Yes Kali is a miracle and so was Traci. Millions prayed and Traci stopped praying for self an turned her prayers to the one who held her joy and some day Kali will be able to do the same thing because her mom showed her how. Thank you God for answered prayers and thank you God for Traci Hardig and her beautiful family!!!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 17:17:46 +0000

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