I notice they havent said too much about the ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS - TopicsExpress


I notice they havent said too much about the ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS for Obama Care either. That will probably cost as much or more then the Healthcare part!! Another Burden placed on the 50% working Middle Class. The government needs to get out of the Private Sector. I read an article the other day that said 31 job skills average in the U.S. is $24.00 dollars an hour. Our out of touch with reality Politicians keep expecting people with this type of wage to continue supporting the other 50% with continued taxes and fees...America is going down hard and soon!! Between Obama Care, the QE program (Which equate to the U.S. borrowing money to spend on social programs (that we cant afford)) and wanting to legalize 11 Million illegals so they can come in and get more benefits then legal citizens (Taking away educational opportunities for Legal citizens) Not to mention taking jobs away from people already here. You can bet we have a lot more unemployed people in the U.S. then is being officially reported also. Oh yes, the other thing I like is the extension of the Unemployment benefits Obama has championed (Does the right hand know what the left hand is doing?), what a great idea that is. The States already have had to borrow that money from the Feds and most of the States that have, cant even afford to pay back the interest on these loans...thanks for the help Mr. O!! We are headed for the biggest depression this country has seen or can imagine and the President and Hired Help just want to keep giving freebies so they can be re elected. The only thing that has helped the U.S. is being the worlds Back up money source, when that ends (Probably Soon) because China, Russia, Germany and other countries have already signed agreements to use their own currency, with others following suit...its all over but the crying.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 20:36:25 +0000

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