I posted a status, then I deleted it. I felt I had so much to say, - TopicsExpress


I posted a status, then I deleted it. I felt I had so much to say, but I didn’t know where to begin. First off, I am extremely angry and sick of the mentality of this generation. Yeah, I sound just like my parents and yours. BUT IT’S TRUE. I usually try to stay calm and brush off most negativity, but this is something I cannot help but spill my thoughts on—even if it’s just a silly Facebook post. I have more recently started taking my special effects and make-up extremely serious. I was never given the opportunity to incorporate my passion into an actual career. I mean, I am able to be creative, yet keep my strong love for science involved in all aspects of my work. It took me years to get to where I am and I am nowhere near my goals for myself, but I became discouraged. I am a very critical person and I critique everything I do, so when I see other people’s work I do the same. I know—I am guilty of it. Don’t act like you don’t (especially when it’s involving your passion). The reason I am so critical is because I know the art is hollow. If it were not for the amazing people existing in my life right now, I would have lost all hope for humanity and the human mind. I get so fed up with: - I purchase all my make-up and brushes at MAC, no knowledge of their uses, yet I must be a make-up artist. - All of my materials are Ben Nye and I cover up my imperfections with blood, yet I am still an amazing special effects artist. - I just bought this new camera to take selfies, but I can definitely do your family pictures without a business license or any prior experience in photography. - I must be an amazing editor that hides all of your imperfections, like your skin textures and facial shadows with the “blur” tool in PhotoShop. - I sent pictures to my spouse and people hit on me all the time at work, so I must be a model and start my own modeling page after paying $10 for my photo shoot with an unprofessional. So many times I have had to step outside of myself in order to analyze and re-evaluate my method of thinking because I have doubted myself and my abilities. Not because I thought I wasn’t good enough, but because others could not recognize my talent and I started to doubt my abilities. I allowed their naivety of my talent to control my thoughts about myself, which is the worst thing anyone can do. I even felt the need to “dumb” myself down for others because it was too much of a stress being my full-blown self. I have always been one to push myself to do my best and even beyond that. I am constantly trying to reinvent myself, my talents, my skills, and drive my abilities to the test. From my school work to my make-up artistry to the thoughts dwelling behind this thick skull, I continually question what I feel is “my best.” This is good and bad because there are always limitations to abilities. Not necessarily within the individual, but with external influences and stresses added into the mix. I understand that you can only do so much in given situations, but I also don’t see that as an excuse and a means to hinder you from trying your best. I know I sound like those annoying posters you would see hanging in the hallways of high school where “if you believe it, you can achieve it,” but this is something that really irritates me, especially being in a field where your career is based around creativity. It seems as though people have lost their ability to think, to have a free mind, to explore. People have lost themselves. Rather than motivating themselves to do better than their previous examples, they only push themselves to be better than their counterparts (usually those that they envy). I understand the need to know what your competition is doing, but having that as your ONLY motivation is quite pathetic. That means you have no real passion or commitment to what you are doing, so there is never any real prize or sense of accomplishment. “There is no originality.” I have a love-hate relationship to this phrase because I agree and disagree. I’m so conflicted with this 4-word statement. I understand that all things have a beginning. Your thoughts, perceptions, how you react—all of those are molded by a blend of nature and nurture. Therefore, it is already “unoriginal.” All things are derived from previous encounters and/or knowledge. Just because that is so, doesn’t mean that a piece cannot be original. Originality arises within each individual by their perception of life and how they want to morph their knowledge into creating something “new” and revitalized. There is a message and a meaning, whether simple or complex and there is soul and raw emotions. This is how I view art. TRUE art. I feel that is what is lacking in many individuals. I am by no means perfect in life or in any task that I take on, but I at least try to better myself for myself. Those individuals that do not have this drive will never get any sense of accomplishment. Yeah, people will misconstrue your “skills” as talent because they don’t know any better, but what is really going to happen when you have nowhere to go? I call these types of people parasites. Just as someone constantly draining you of money, these leeches drain you of energy until they move on to the next person. They try to dry out your self-worth, confidence, etc. This area works in the same way. I am more than confident now than ever that I am able to be that change where you will see my talent and my soul within each piece of work I create. I want to break up the monotony of those robotic individuals that drive me mad so that I am able to contrast their emotionless work with my genuine passion. So keep on trying to prohibit me with your sorry excuse of imitations of my own creations that you have stated were “your own,” because you will be unable to hide my honest talent.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 18:40:49 +0000

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