I predict well see a lot of genetic disease in the next 20-30 - TopicsExpress


I predict well see a lot of genetic disease in the next 20-30 years in small areas with children being born via artificial insemination too. So much intermarrying is happening in this village people are getting Alzheimers by 40 yrs old!! The Story: In a picturesque village in the Andes mountains, an 82-year-old woman is putting her middle aged children into nappies. Mrs Cuartas, who lives in a small village called Yarumal, in Colombia, is forced to take care of her three children despite being an old woman herself. Her children have been afflicted with the villages curse: something they called La Bobera: the foolishness. The curse means many of the villages 5,000 residents have a genetic mutation that predisposes them to Alzheimers disease – and most develop the condition by the time they are just 40 years old. Many of the 5,000 villagers who live in Yarumal have inherited the mutation that pre-disposes them to Alzheimers and intermarriage has accelerated its spread. It was inherited from the villages Basque country ancestors, and those from the Antioquia area of Colombia now call themselves paisa, meaning countrymen. nytimes/2010/06/02/health/02alzheimers.html?pagewanted=all&_r=3& Read more: dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2897185/The-village-residents-dementia-age-40-Genetic-mutation-marrying-families-means-Yamural-curse-spiralling-control.html#ixzz3NyreEQhc Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 20:30:59 +0000

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