I received the daunting number 18 for 18 things about myself that - TopicsExpress


I received the daunting number 18 for 18 things about myself that you might not know. 1. I am from The State of Jefferson. 2. I chose at an early age not to have children. I do worry sometimes about that choice but I am not sure I want to be a retiree going to high school graduation so the likelihood that will change at this stage is slim. 3. I am really bad at eating leftovers because I get a little freaky about how it might be growing something after about 24 hours. 4. Given the choice, I would grill out every night. 5. I dont really yearn to visit the ocean. I mean its nice but I prefer land. 6. I dont like romance novels. 7. I dont enjoy time watching TV. 8. One of my biggest pet peeves is when I can hear people swallowing their beverages. 9. I was lucky enough to spend a GREAT DEAL of time with a family who have a summer cattle range and ranch and, because of that, I was able to enjoy summers working horseback, driving cattle, swimming in lakes, fishing, and all manner of work that was also very fun. 10. I prefer a dense, heavy, cold cake to any other dessert. 11. Despite #10, I dont really have a sweet tooth or crave sweets. If I never had sweets again I would not be sad. 12. I am afraid and have to push down my fear when I am alone in the dark or in water where I can not see what is around me. 13. I dont like expensive liquor but I like cheap beer. I prefer good beer, but cheap is ok. I dont even feel bad about that. 14. I always wanted wild crazy curly rock star hair. Not 80s hair but pretty much just out of control. 15. I struggle with my fashion sense, which is somewhere between Cyndi Laupher and the Golden Girls. 16. I have a large collection of notes and keepsakes stretching all the way back to 6th grade. 17. Many of my friends I have known since preschool and grade school. Thats roughly 35 years. 18. I prefer blue ink to black. I dont care to write in black ink. Like my list and I will give you a number.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 02:52:10 +0000

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