I recently read, I Invented the Modern Age, the Rise of Henry - TopicsExpress


I recently read, I Invented the Modern Age, the Rise of Henry Ford, by Richard Snow, and I am glad I did. This book gives insight concerning Henry Ford’s biography and personality as well as the Ford invention of the engine block, engine head, assembly line, clearing legal obstacles to the development of the automobile, selling cars at an affordable price, and many other developments. The cultural impact of the model –T and the five dollar a day wage is explained. Fords Greenfield Village museum is an example of life before the model –T and our modern world is in large part a result of his inventions and policies. This is not the all-inclusive definitive biography of Ford but an enjoyable and readable book of one of the influential men of the twentieth century. I like biography and historical fiction and I found this one informative and enjoyable reading.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 21:53:59 +0000

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