I thought Aamir Khan was doing something very NOBLE and GREAT - TopicsExpress


I thought Aamir Khan was doing something very NOBLE and GREAT while hes promoting good causes by his show Satyamev Jayate. But then I got this message in one of my groups on WhatsApp.. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Congratulations.. Aamir Khan is here with a new Entertainment package... Satyameva Jayate from 2March.. At The End Of the Show he will ask Donations for Humanity Trust.. but, do you know whos trust is this??? What They Do & Why??? Have a Look at the Board Of Directors of this Trust :: 1. Mr. Jagabar Ali. 2. Mr. R. Hakkim Ali. 3. Mr. Fazulutheen.Members of the Board of Advisors are as follow: 1. Mr. M.L. Raja Mohamed 2. Mr. M.S. NASICK 3. Mr. A Ahmed Irzath 4. Mr. S.Abdul Basith This website says that some of the objectives of their foundation are:- Masjid Construction assistance. (Bore/construction helps)Placement assistance for Islamic youngsters (notifications about jobs across various geographies DO VISIT THIS WEBSITE AND CHECK YOURSELF Now look at the irony here: people from all over the country belonging to different religions and communities are sending SMSs and making donations, and you can see clearly that money is spent on people of just one particular community and religion – the Muslims!! Isn’t it unfair that first you are attracting people from different religions on emotional grounds, and when they fall prey to it and give donation, you are using that money for communal purpose without even informing the people where their money is going to be used? How will building mosques and madrasas help our nation? And if it doesn’t then why are people of this country being fooled like this and no one is raising questions? Are only Muslims unemployed in this country? If not then why this step-motherly treatment to people of other religions? See the truth at: humanitytrust It is the Hindus who should be taking INITIATIVES in Hindustan and keep the enemy guessing. The others come in only when they see the VACUUM. Sonia Maino, too, was sucked into this VACUUM of Hindu Shakti. There are not too many bad people in India, but the problem is that : There are too many good people in India, who do not speak up about bad deeds, of bad people HINDUS BEWARE OF AAMIR KHANS SHOW SATYAMEV JAYATE | Reality Reveal Blog on Speakingtree.in - m.speakingtree.in/spiritual-blogs/seekers/self-improvement/hindus-beware-of-aamir-khans-show-satyamev-jayate xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The message says DO VISIT THIS WEBSITE AND CHECK YOURSELF..so, Lets do it ;) Link 1. In the first link (humanitytrust) is just a dummy website and no such information is available on this website as claimed in the message.. Link 2. By clicking second link (m.speakingtree.in/spiritual-blogs/seekers/self-improvement/hindus-beware-of-aamir-khans-show-satyamev-jayate) all i got was this: Error 404! We could not find the page you were looking for. This file may have been moved or deleted. But IN REALITY this Humanity Trust ACTUALLY EXISTS.. Humanity Trust, Hanspukur, West Bengal, is a charitable hospital run by Dr. Ajoy Mistry and his mother. They provides free medical facilities to the poor that too without asking their Religion.. satyamevjayate.in/every-life-is-precious/humanity-trust.aspx humanityhospital.org/ https://facebook/humanityhospital.org But in its FAKE PROPOGANDA, the MESSAGE CLAIMS.. people from all over the country belonging to different religions and communities are sending SMSs and making donations, and you can see clearly that money is spent on people of just one particular community and religion – the Muslims!! And.. you (Aamir Khan) are using that money for communal purpose without even informing the people where their money is going to be used? How will building mosques and madrasas help our nation? It further elaborates that Hindus should take INITIATIVES (what kind of?) and keep the ENEMY (who?) guessing. The message winds up with a warning..HINDUS BEWARE OF AAMIR KHANS SHOW SATYAMEV JAYATE So, whos the ENEMY here..is it just Aamir Khan? or all the MUSLIMS? or ALL INDIANS WHO FOLLOW ANY RELIGION OTHER THEN HINDUISM? OR ALL THE PERSONS WHO CONDEMN THE TANTRUMS, FAKE PROPAGANDA, COMMUNAL HATRED AND NOT SO DEMOCRATIC WAYS USED BY SOME POLITICAL PARTIES? DAMAGES this message can cause? 1. Loss of Reputation of Satyamev Jayate and Aamir khan. 2. Loss of TRP which can be translated into Loss of Profits for Aamir Khan Productions. 3. Communal Hatred. 4. Loss of Donations for the deserving NGOs. 5. Most IMPORTANTLY, its going to HURT THE CAUSES. What are these CAUSES raised by Satyamev Jayate? 1. Fighting Rape 2. Police Reforms 3. Waste Management 4. Corruption 5. Something on Elections (yet to telecast) I guess few people from SOME POLITICAL PARTY are doing FAKE PROPAGANDA against Aamir Khan and his show Satyamev Jayate..but why they are doing it? Moreover, WHY THEY ARE HURTING ALL THESE GOOD CAUSES? All i find is this.. hindustantimes/entertainment/television/aamir-khan-i-will-never-join-politics-/article1-1192505.aspx And this.. rediff/news/2006/may/14aamir.htm And the most important one.. youtube/watch?v=TqejoB9HRZk So are they doing it BECAUSE AAMIR SPEAKS HIS MIND? I WONT ASK you to Share, Like or Comment on this post..but I would like to ask just a simple question.. Do you WANNA SPREAD HATE or do you WANNA SPREAD LOVE? Satyamev Jayate !!
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 18:07:24 +0000

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