I was avoiding this, then someone suggested that lies be thrown - TopicsExpress


I was avoiding this, then someone suggested that lies be thrown into lists and that seemed interesting...so this is the 13 I got last week, but it is really 12 plus one thing that isnt me for now. 1) I was baptized at the Fourth Presbyterian Church on Michigan Avenue, confirmed Episcopalian...and choose to believe in a religious perspective that does not idolize people, fictional or otherwise. 2) I DJed at a birthday party for Christina Applegate. 3) I spent a few years learning the Suzuki method of playing the violin. 4) I was openly shamed in front of my class by the head of the Math dept of the Minneapolis Public Schools when it was brought to his attention that I did not choose post secondary or any math courses for my senior year of High School. 5) I have never been hunting but I think the idea is fascinating. Despite that, given its new found popularity within the local hipster community, I believe I will choose to avoid it until that day when hunting is not a fad or trend and the kills that are made are not likely to contribute to endangering the species being shot at. 6) I took a few moths off from practicing yoga and my first time back was the hardest workout of my life. I still hurt from it right now...and I went on Saturday. 7) I have a niece who is older than most of the people I prefer to spend my time with. That doesnt bother me one bit so I hope it does not bother them either. 8) Contrary to rumors and popular beliefs...I am not a fan of drug use. In fact, when I see healthy people at the gym I usually spend a considerable amount of thought energy contemplating why it is so hard for some people to see how their lives would improve if they traded blow for barbells. 9) I am actively seeking employment in Sweden where I can live with distant relatives and escape the destructive culture that has become known as Merica. 10) In almost every election I have written in votes for super heroes instead of presidential candidates because I am so disgusted by what I learned bout how political campaigns are run when I was studying Cognitive Science in college. 11) It was brought to my attention recently that it is a little weird that I only listen to electronic music, but I dont think it is weird at all. I love the way it makes me feel and I really dont care for the way other kinds of music flow. 12) I have thousands of unfinished songs that I started and walked away from on hard drives around my apartment. I could go back to them and finish some but I find it easier to just start fresh every day. 13) I really dont like rolling solo to most places but I cant stand having to deal with slow people and debates about the details of trips out, so I bear with the isolation of being on my own and just do my thing. ...the lie is actually something that I would enjoy, but havent been able to fit into my life yet. Im not going to give you a number because as much as this experience was fun, I feel like I would have got more out of reading a white paper from Hub Spot or Marketo, or an article from Advertising Ages daily news email, and I dont want you to feel like your time was wasted.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 18:52:56 +0000

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