I was challenged by Leslie Tripp to post three things I am - TopicsExpress


I was challenged by Leslie Tripp to post three things I am grateful for five days in a row. I missed yesterday so I will double up today to get caught up. Day #2: #1 - I am grateful that although I may feel alone at time, I never truly am. My God has promised, more than once, to never leave nor forsake me. In times of trial and tribulation when I feel totally secluded, God is right there with me through it all. He is more faithful than I could ever hope to be. I am never alone; Jesus is with me always! #2 - I am grateful that God knows that even though He in all places at all times, we cannot see Him. As humans, we are very visual oriented and need to SEE. So, God instituted the family as a physical representation of Himself. Parents nurture, love and guide their children in love and sometimes discipline when necessary and parents forgiving of their children even when they fail. Children accepting their parents and loving them because they are their parents. This is how God treats us; He provides love and provision and when necessary, correction and accepts us as His children even when we fail. The family unit is a way God shows Himself to us; through our love for each other. That is why FAMILY is so important. #3 - I am grateful for the family I have. We are not perfect, but I feel we love each other beyond measure! There are many family members and I love you all, but I am going to mention my immediate family whom I am utmost Grateful. My Mom: Connie, Dad - CW, my other Mother (God knew I needed two!) Betty Walters Perry, Brother - Kenneth Perry, Son - Sean Perry and most importantly my Wife - Joan Perry. The profound impact each of these wonderful people has had on my life can not be measured or a value placed on. They are truly a blessing from God and for that I am extremely grateful! Everyone have blessed day!
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 14:08:53 +0000

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