I was very happy when i get 2know dat prophet muhammad s.a.w was - TopicsExpress


I was very happy when i get 2know dat prophet muhammad s.a.w was prophesized in d bible, i was so amazed and feel encourage to post this message to both muslims and christains insha allah. God stated in deutronomy 18-18 I GOD WILL RAISE THEM UP A PROPHET FROM AMONG THEIR BRETHREN, LIKE UNTO MOSES, AND WILL PUT MY WORDS IN HIS MOUTH; AND HE SHALL SPEAK ALL THAT I SHALL COMMAND HIM. the verse above is very clear and obvious that God promised to raise a prophet from among their brother who will be like moses. Who was the brother of christains or jews? Answer: prophet ibrahim had two son, ismaeel and ishac. Christains or jews trace their ancestory to ishac while muslims traced their own to ismaeel who was the first son of prophet ibrahim. Therefore we want to see whether the prophesy applies to muhammad or jesus. God said in d prophecy dat this prophet is like moses (i.e similar to moses). Lets now see the prophet that is most similar to moses most, prophet muhammad or jesus?. Answers: 1. Both muhammad and moses was given a prophethood at the age of forty while jesus was given a prophethood at the age of thirty. 2. Both muhammad and moses had children while prophet jesus did not. 3. Both muhammad and moses were victorious agaist their enemy while jesus was not, even acording to christains, they believe that jesus was killed by his enemy. 4. Both muhammad and moses die a natural death while jesus was not. 5. Both muhammad and moses were born in a natural way while jesus was born in a miraclelous fasion that is, he was born without a father. 6. Both muhammad and moses were burried on ground while jesus was not. 7. Both muhammad and moses will not come back to life again after they have died but jesus will still come to life. I can go on and on by given you some other similarity between prophet muhammad and moses incase you need more. May the peace of God be upon them all amin. It was stated clearly in another verse that their is no prophet from israel that will be similar to moses. In deutromy 34-10 stated that AND THEIR AROSE NOT A PROPHET SINCE IN ISRAEL LIKE UNTO MOSES. this verse clearly stated that their will be no prophet that will be similar to moses from israel. Therefore, since this prophesy does not apply to jesus because he was from israel, and i already cited above that the brethren of israel is ismaeel where prophet muhammad s.a.w was originated from, we therefore conclude that the prophesy applied to prophet muhammad s.a.w. Acording to the prophecy God stated that he is not going to speak from his own desire and he shall conveyed all that he shall command him. ALLAHU AKBAR
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 15:00:30 +0000

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