I watched Man of Steel yesterday. If you havent and want to, dont - TopicsExpress


I watched Man of Steel yesterday. If you havent and want to, dont read more because there are going to be... S P O I L E R S OK, it was dark, it was kind of unpleasant at times and there was so much action, so much overwhelming action interspersed with rather flat dialogue, that at times it was difficult to take in even the machine gun imagery, much less understanding what was happening. I didnt expect a movie full of a cosmic sense of wonder that would explore deep philosophical questions, of course, but the aftertaste MoS gave me can best be described as meh. I liked the Kryptonian aesthetics, dark as they were, both Henry Cavill and Amy Adams were great in their roles and most other actors did a great job. Nevertheless, its a destruction movie, alienophobic, and a little disturbing at times. Other than the destruction part, that was overwhleming, I didnt enjoy the too serious tone of it. There was really no humor at all, anywhere in the script, no light moments, no whimsy, no wonder. The aliens are here to get us motif is already a very tired cliche and I wish filmmakers would get away from this rut theyve allowed themselves to fall into. Like I said, I enjoyed the Kryptonian aesthetics and techie stuff, the back story of Krypton, the science fictional elements, but all in all it was more like What if Batman made a Superman movie? than a Superman movie. If I were to describe it in one word only, Id call it joyless. Unlike other fans, I wasnt offended by Superman killing Zod. Even though we all know that Superman doesnt kill (one has to wonder, of course, about all the incidental casualties while he was fighting the Kryptonian villains), killing Zod was justified, in my opinion, under the circumstances. He is not the Superman of the comics, especially older ones, but within the universe built into the movie and the plot, he had absolutely no other choice. As a Legion of Super-Heroes mega-fan, I couldnt help but speculate/dream than one of the Kryptonian colonies did not die out but developed into the planet Daxam! Hey, I can dream and the movie offered little to dream about. Nowadays, Ill take good dreams wherever I can find them and MoS offered little chance of that. Despite the bleakness prevalent all through the movie, the message was a hopeful one (covered in lots of grime, paranoia and blood). Superman is still a symbol of hope, a symbol of light. I only wish that light was not covered in so many dark shades...
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 04:34:29 +0000

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