I watched the news the other day and it breaks your heart when a - TopicsExpress


I watched the news the other day and it breaks your heart when a man runs to exploit and rape the innocent. They can’t seem to wait and they don’t mind stealing the innocence of a child or exploiting them, but wouldn’t lift a finger to help their neighbor and only if they could benefit in some way. How do you traumatize, splintering the mind and the emotions and expect them to be strong. Who hatched this lie? Who said, “their life doesn’t matter?” Who said that women and children were born and created to satisfy your lust? Was it the President of the United States? Did the pope tell you this? Were you promised riches and great wealth to sell your soul when he himself doesn’t even know where his soul came from because he didn’t know himself before he was born? I have given birth to two children and I don’t remember anyone else making the toes, fingers, eyes and head of my children, much less their soul. When was the last time you reached out and did anything for someone else or tried to tell someone else about Jesus as their Lord and savior? There are one too many wolves in sheep’s clothing. They smile and make a pretense of having some form of godliness, but they are like Delilah. They only want to know your strengths and weaknesses to find a loophole to use against you later. It is the cat and mouse game to coerce you or to control you and devour your soul. Don’t be deceived. Division and discord is sewn into families to destroy the family unit, so that the wolves are there lying in wait…to “help”. Only they are not there to “help” but to devour the innocence of our children and to exploit them. We need to do everything we can to ensure harmony and unity in our family and with our children to make our families strong. Compare your family with another family where the parents have nurtured, protected, and loved their children and then look at another family where their children have been thrown out on the street as teenagers and before they are old enough to even get a job, buy a car, married or join the military. It doesn’t matter why you did it and whether it was a scientific/educational endeavor or not, the consequences and the devastation and loss, is all very, very real. Don’t be deceived, stupid, or ignorant. You don’t have to touch a hot stove to know that it’s hot, you only have to get near to it and see that it is indeed “hot”. And it’s just like Judas who took 30 pieces of silver, then evil enters into his body. Gangs do the same thing. In order to be accepted or initiated into the gang, they have to go out and do something evil to someone else or their property. Someone has deceived them into this belief that this is what makes you stronger or tougher. It does not. Same is true for those who practice evil to bring about events or to carve out a niche for themselves. This is another evil deception because the end result will be that you will have, in essence, exchanged this in acceptance of giving up your soul for all eternity. The deception of this is that you can never turn back. That’s a lie. If you take one step towards God, He’ll take ten steps towards you. I can promise you that. Today is the acceptable day and time to destroy the works of evil in its entirety by cutting off the head and saying “no”. Learn to do good and have compassion. Ask God for discernment between good and evil. Learn to say “no” when its necessary to those things which grieve the Holy Spirit. My question for the “leaders” of this country, the judges, the governor, and all the strong men is: where are you when the children are being raped and exploited. Where are the “father’s and mother’s” who should be protecting the innocence of our children, where do you stand when we send our young innocent children to schools who have rejected God and are now open and vulnerable to every evil thing under the sun? WHERE ARE YOU? WHERE DO YOU STAND? WHO ARE YOU? Are you an abomination to God and an environmental hazard to yourself and others? If you are not mad and angry about these things then you are standing with those who love evil and hate their children and the environment and I suppose you could say they even hate themselves because there is a place reserved for the devil and his angels called the fire of hell and that’s where those who do not believe in God or His creation will go and spend eternity. We have to chop off the head and find the vein the feeds these blood suckers and destroy the works of evil to protect the innocence of our youth and to keep them from being exploited by those who only wish to satisfy their lust or greed.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 18:52:18 +0000

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