I went to our three hours of church, Sunday school and priesthood - TopicsExpress


I went to our three hours of church, Sunday school and priesthood today with my beautiful wife, and then went home for lunch. I planned to go to my brother Mike’s Sunday school class in Mesa because his ward meets later in the afternoon. Judy’s shoulder was acting up because of the storm heading our way, so she declined to come. I fell asleep on the easy chair in our living room, and awoke about 15 minutes into his class. I debated not going, but I wanted to report to our mother that I went to his class today. It pleases her that after all these years living 2400 miles apart, we are doing things together like going to Friday night high school football games and early morning golf. Yesterday, we went golfing at 5:45 AM to beat the leagues. I lost a couple of balls in the dark, until the sun came up, but Mike played an excellent game and we had a great time enjoying the cool morning air with green grass under our feet. Afterward, I mowed his lawn while Judy helped him with trimming and watering. I did make it to the last 15 minutes of his class and I did offer one comment during his lesson, so I can report to mom in complete honesty, that I went. One of the elderly ladies in his class came up to me and told me that they just love my brother, and wondered how I deal with his straight forwardness. I told her that I just tell our mom. Her husband told me he read my book and liked it, which warmed my heart because he is a seasoned rancher. I told him about the work I’m helping with on the Reservation down by the Mexican border. He looked at me and with the wisdom of an 85 year old self made man said: “You really like your work, don’t you.” “yes, yes I do. I’m excited about it.” I replied. I realized today, in discussion in our Sunday class, that I was not only blessed in my lifetime with work, but I was blessed with a love of my work. I realized today that it doesn’t matter what work you do, you can do it to get it over with, or you can throw your heart into it and relish it. It definitely is not glamorous nor desirable to get covered from head to toe in everything that I have been covered with in my career, and yet the Lord blessed me with an undying love of the work. At times, when I examine an animal, I am also taking notes about the owner. Sometimes they need more attention than their pet, and oft times, my job seems more like a ministry to me. It’s all in what you allow yourself to be, and that takes place in the mind and in the soul, and is not a product of whatever one chooses as a career. That is a great blessing for which I am so grateful. After my brother’s class, I travelled to the home of a member who was absent from church today. His wife stayed home with him to tend to his leg which 3 days ago had swelled twice it’s normal size from cellulitis which threatened to go septic and enter his blood stream. Today he is okay. His leg is almost normal, he is eating, his temperature is normal, and he is able to laugh. I spent a few minutes with him and his wife and shared the hand of fellowship with them. I left them with a copy of my book, after sharing a couple of stories from it with them. Today has been a great day, and tomorrow will be even better as I venture to work at the animal hospital in Casa Grande and then Tuesday on for a day of fun at the Reservation. I am one lucky guy.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 01:12:05 +0000

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