IM A RACIST!!!!! Read on to find out why; I’m a racist! I - TopicsExpress


IM A RACIST!!!!! Read on to find out why; I’m a racist! I wanted to go ahead and get that out-of-the-way right away, because I am about to talk about an issue that frequently has me labeled a racist – immediately – before any conversation even begins. The online Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “Racism” as such: : poor treatment of or violence against people because of their race : the belief that some races of people are better than others I’m not sure where Merriam-Webster gets their information from, but that definition above has not defined racism in America for at least six years, since Barack Hussein Obama was elected and appointed Eric Holder as his Attorneys General. While there seems to be a great deal of confusion in regard to what defines a racist today, under the Obama regime, there do seem to be certain beliefs held by those who have become the modern face of racism in America. The following could be used as a guide of sorts for those who may be uncertain: Anyone who opposes ANY policy of Barack Hussein Obama, IS a RACIST! Anyone who questions the intentions of Barack Hussein Obama, IS a RACIST! Anyone who suspects, or implies corruption exist within the administration of Barack Hussein Obama, IS a RACIST! Anyone who so much as suggest, or implies that Barrack Hussein Obama has lied about anything, IS a RACIST! Anyone who believes the federal “SNAP” Food Stamp programs is being abused, IS a RACIST! Anyone who believes any form of public assistance is being abused, IS a RACIST! Anyone in favor of mandatory drug screening of those on public assistance, IS a RACIST! Anyone in favor if those on public assistance performing volunteer work in their community, IS a RACIST! Anyone who opposes the expansion of any so-called “entitlement” program, IS a RACIST! Anyone who advocates personal responsibility, IS a RACIST! Anyone critical of Radical Islam, IS a Racist! Anyone who believes in American Supremacy, IS a RACIST! Anyone who believes the IRS unjustly targeted Conservative Tax Exempt Organizations, IS a RACIST! Anyone who encourages hard work and personal independence, IS a RACIST! Anyone who does not believe white cops live to kill black thugs, IS a RACIST! Anyone who is not a card-carrying member of the Democratic Party, IS a RACIST! Anyone who believes we should secure our borders, IS a RACIST! The above is by no means a complete list of things that make a racist, but it covers a good deal of those things that will have you labeled as such today. And please, don’t even consider trying to make the argument that you are not a racist, that makes you a racist! While the situation lends itself to a lot of opportunity for jokes and a good laugh, it really is quite sad. While I never believed Obama was a good candidate for the job and never voted for him, for reasons which had nothing to do with race, I have to admit that when he was elected, I was really happy for those who had endured the era of segregation and fought through the Civil Rights era for equality for all American’s. How great I thought that they had the opportunity to see a black man elected, by the American people, as the President of this great nation. For those who are old enough to remember that shameful part of American history, it had to have meant so much to them to see that we have evolved to the point where a black man was elected. What a shame that he has been such a disappointment to them! He has not just been a disappointment politically and a failure policy wise, he has been a disappointment socially and set race relations in this nation back decades! I am seeing things written and hearing comments from people that I have not heard uttered in decades. Instead of using his great fortune and position to bring people closer together, he has used it to divide the people of America along every political and racial divide he can. In fact, he is often referred to as the “Great Divider” or “Divider-in-Chief.” I was particularly disappointed when refused to attend the 150th Anniversary of the Gettysburg Address. What an incredible symbolic moment in history he had the opportunity to take advantage of, yet he dismissed it and passed on the opportunity to carry on with his “routine” daily schedule. Read more at universalfreepress/im-a-racist/
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 06:48:24 +0000

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