IM GOING TO BRING YOU OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE. ** Make you THINK ** If you read this to the end, you will be forced to poop or get off the pot! So, you have Liked my page, good. thank you. Now, ask yourself, why did you like my page? If you are looking for extra income or just want to try these products as a customer, let me know. Please dont be shy. It will not help you, if you do not take action. I am a real person, just like you. Instead of a regular job, I am the co-owner of a fitness company in jax,Fl (Positively Fit)..been here for 7 years. I LOVE my members very much . My challenge was that, due to tough economy, we dont have a big clientele (in a fairly vacant office park). I knew that i did not have a retirement plan, so i began looking for other ways to create multiple streams of revenue. I also want to travel more to see family, and I have serious goals to increase my animal rescue efforts, but it requires revenue. I believe in network marketing. Its just a matter of finding a company that is right for YOU. ( Products, leadership, compensation plan, timing, are ALL key factors). For me, SPX makes sense. PRODUCTS: 2 of the 3 i have used for over a year and have MANY testimonials at my gym. Now i am using the Nutri-cleanse to eliminate toxins (it works! lol). LEADERSHIP: Rick Wall (CEO) has been helping thousands of people for over 25 years in this industry. he helped me at our last company. He literally IS a pay-It-Forward individual. Very hands-on. He also is the creator of Nutri-thin, and since I have SO MANY happy customers with this, I knew that he would keep the standard high for future product development. btw, e now are the exclusive company to offer my favorite, Sea-Veg, 100%organic, gluten-free, Whole-Food supplement. NOT Synthetic, like the crap at the regular retail stores. Completely the healthiest daily supplement i have seen. Im a fan. COMPENSATION: This comp plan pays out in 7 different ways. its very generous, many bonuses, and you can truly earn unlimited income. Its the first company to have real_time commissions. Pretty cool to go out to dinner only to come home and see 3 new Independent Professionals have joined up under people I brought in, and I earned $$$ for it, immediately! COOL. the highest rank advancement bonus is $1 Million dollars! basically, most everyone i have recruited/sponsored has earned more money than they invested in less than a week. Makes me feel good. TIMING: We JUST LAUNCHED last friday!! Need I really say more? You usually hear about these companies AFTER they hit momentum.. 2-4 years after launch. Where can you be 2-4 years from NOW IF you take action TODAY? Its not that difficult to get started.. you can purchase a bottle of something first, or jump on board as an IP now. There are 3 ways to join: You CAN become an IP for just $39.95 by purchasing a product, however there are 2 other options which offer you a better position where you can earn more bonuses for life. You can buy a $120 starter pack (3 products), or a Business Builder pack $240 (6 bottles). The starter pack also allows you FOB first order bonuses on 2nd level for life, where the $240 BB kit also gives you 5% FOB on third level FOR LIFE! Of course if you are serious and want to MAXIMIZE the profits, come in with the Builder pack! you can still just order 1 single bottle each month thereafter if you want to maintain your IP status,. There are NO FEES with this company- that is rare. Usually you pay back Office fees to maintain the biz. Not at SPX. you get your replicatable website and back office for FREE with purchase of product! That is very cool. The website is clean,easy to navigate, and it allows you to share with everyone you know, and you can literally EARN money in your sleep! people can shop from your website or even Sign-up as an IP! You will love the back office. You can track your whole organization, send out emails to your team,etc. ..SO NOW ITS UP TO YOU> Are you fed-up enough with lack of money or time, where you may actually DO something about it? Or are you actually needing more time and money BUT you are going to keep sitting and watching this Grow? Im trying to get you to think b/c most of us are stuck and dont really pick our head up to see what is going on, or more importantly, WHER this path is taking you. I KNOW that my gym will not take care of me financially down the road. Im doing something about it. Do not over-think this. its simple. ou DO have to do the work, but this time, you are INVESTING IN YOU, and not in someone else. If you are working for someone else, you are building their dream. You can OWN this SPX IP distributorship.. it will grow and pay you residually. You can sell it or give it to someone in your family. * make a decision. Either way, you will be DOING something. I am here to help you build this. we offer weekly conference calls, training calls and have FUN,MOTIVATING fb groups which all BUILD YOUR BUSINESS! you do not have to make a long term commitment if you are afraid. this is month to month, lol. You may reach out to me by message or email if you want more info. I feel SO BLESSED b/c I know how very real this is and how much it is helping so many people already. My email : vicki@positivelyfitfl . my website;spxnutrition/vickilayton/
Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 00:34:28 +0000

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