IMPACTING YOUR WORLD Impacting means to influence or have a - TopicsExpress


IMPACTING YOUR WORLD Impacting means to influence or have a strong effect on people or situations. Impact is the ability to your potentials, talents, competence, capability and influence to rule your world and change people’s lives and situations. Impacting peoples’ lives means great influence over people and over situations. They touch and transform lives, change people’s situations and destinies and turn them around for good. We are called to impact our world. There’s something God put in your hearts which He wants to breathe upon and use it to make a different in your world, you are not an ordinary person. God’s power is inside of you, you have been created for exploits. Many have lived and died and never made any impact, because they did not know how to use their God given talents to bless their word. You should be distinct from others, you just need to be rightly positioned to be used of God to touch lives around you and not to die full of all the potentials that God has loaded you with. You are not supposed to die empty. Having left your footprints on the sand of time, making history and touching your generation, you were born for a purpose and for such as this. You have been born for influence. Influence is the capacity to have and produce an effect or a change on the character of someone’s, or something without force, it is affecting someone’s behavour or thinking patterns influence is inspiration, the ability to bring change. The same way yeast can influence flour and makes so much difference, in it without making noise. That is how your life can make so much difference in your world either positively or negatively, be Godly influence anywhere you are. Our call as Christian is majority to bring about transformations in the lives of people, in homes, churches, societies and in the nations of the world. We are a people transformation centre. We have been called to rule our world, to be change agents, who will not settle for the norms but will be willing to change our generations for the better. Osama Bin Laden is one man that can never be forgotten till this generation passes away. Even though he is dead, the ripples of the seed he planted are still with us all over the world. If a man with a satanic anointing can make such a global negative impact in the world, we should do better with Godly anointing; we are God’s terrorists to the kingdom of darkness. We must subdue them and cause their kingdom to submit to the kingdom of God in or sphere of influence. As a believers, the greatest commission to go into all the world and touch lives should be our greatest ambitions on earth it should not be allowed to become the great omission as many have made it. To make a meaningful impact in your world will cost you everything, but you will gain back everything alone with the lives that have been impacted by you. You must make up your mind to pay whatever price needed to be paid to make a difference in your world. Whatever cost nothing will worth nothing. Below are some of the tit-bits that can help you make a remarkable difference in your world. DEVELOP A QUALITY RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD: There are prerequisites to develop a quality relationship with God. With the outline below YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN You need a change of heart and attitude John 3:3-6, God is a spirit those who must worship him must worship him in spirit and truth. (John 4 vs 24, Romans 8:14, 1Corr. 2:14). The natural man receives not the things of the spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. YOU HAVE TO BEFRIENDS THE HOLY SPIRIT Do not be satisfied with just being born-again, go a step further to develop a sweet relationship with the Holy Spirit. You cannot make good use by the potentials you have been loaded with, without his help. The Holy Spirit is a person, a senior friend, a coach that will revel secrets to us, gives us a sense of direction and advise us on how to handle the issues of life, impact is ineffective without Him. HAVE AN IN-DEPTH KNOWLEDGE OF GOD’S WORD Spend time on the word of God, study it for yourself, get it into your spirit man, believe it and meditate on it, confess it and practice what it says, 2Tim. 2:15, Josh 1:8 “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth, you shall meditate on it day or night” His word is our manual, cleanser, purifier, refiners, it keeps you from sin and makes your life an epistle that men can read and find their way to God. Ps. 119:11 “Thy word have I hid in mine heart that I might not sin against thee” Let the word of God dwell in you richly. SPEND TIME IN HIS PRESENCE Those who dwell in His secret place always abide under his shadow Psalm91:1, it is very necessary to have a covenant prayer time with God and to practice staying in His presence all through the day. The more time you spend with him, the more His glory rubs off your and transforms you into a powerful impact making instrument in his hands. BE GOD’S PRIST AND KING IN THE MARKET PLACE God’s word tells us that we have been made a kingdom of priests and kings to build and advance his kingdom on earth, priests are a special breed, chosen or elected by God and called out from among men, to represent God before men and represent men before God. CULTIVATE A GOOD CHARACTER TO CARRY YOUR CHARISMA Character has to do with cumulative complication of our attitude and behaviours, both these we do consciously and those we do unconsciously. It is the outward manifestation of what our quality we are made of. A deliberation effort being made by you to be a person of unquestable integrity, good ethics and sound morals. Integrity makes us transparent and enables you to marry your walk and you talk consistently. Integrity entails purity of heart, being consistent in righteousness good works, innocence, and truth some people have said that charisma without character will lead to catastrophe and others said that, anointing without good character annoyance. your character is your moral strength and good behavior that endears you to others. It sustains destiny and beauty. you need to balance your knowledge of the word and your impact making. Making ability with an excellent character. If your character does not befit your knowledge of the word, it will have no weight and cannot impact of less life. Charisma on the other hand, refers divinely conferred power, skill or talents, or charm that attracts people to you or can inspire them to be devoted to you, it is favour or grace releases up on you to draw people towards your charities cannot last or make lasting impact without character. it armed open doors of opportunities to you in high plates., but character determines how long you will last in such places. SPEAK THE REGHT WORDS Words are very powerful, they are released to the hearer life or death, encouragement or discouragement. Words are not just sounds released into the air, they covey meanings, send massages, affect person abilities, can increase for an excitements in people’s lives and can also cause pain or sorrow. They affect and determine what happens to both the speaker and the heaver, they kill or fire life, one poisons or medicinal, you become what you say, and those around you becomes what you tell them your words affects your health, and your whole life, the fathering scruple confirm the power behind the words you speak “Proverb 18:21”life and death lie in the power of the tongue” “ he who will love life and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking lies, let him turn from evil and do ford, let him speak peace and pursue it. “1peter 3 v 10” There that speaks like the piercing of sword but the tongue of the wise promotes health Proverb 12 :18 So speak what you want to see happen in and through your life, say what you want to see in your tenement wrong confession magnify the death and increase your problem, you cannot receive from God more than what you say. The Shunemite woman received as dead baby back to life because of her confession “it is well” 2Kings 4:8-37. Refuse to speak what is happening, if it is not in line with God’s word. Faith people speak what is written, not what is happening. Right confession will produce power to change circumstances, confess and obtain a definite assignment, so that everyone does not direct you left or right. Jesus know His purpose of coming to the earth, He was so sure of it that nothing could distract him from it. He said in John 6:38-39 “For I came down Heaven, not to do my own will, but the will Him who sent me, this is the will of the father who sent me, that of all He has given me, I shall loss nothing, but should raise it up at the last day”. And in Luke 4:18 He said the spirit of the LORD is upon me because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor, He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to sent at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of God’s favour. When you hang out with a wrong people, they feed your spirit man with junk and pollution, but when you stay with the right people, they sharpen you. Strengthen your prayer life, help to stay focus and to fulfill your destiny from shampention. (5) BE AN EMBODIMENT OF SOLUTION We are called to be embodiment of solution and hope to the world. Being a solution to the problems of people that cross your path is one major way of making impact. The nations of the world and the church are in the midst of crisis and devastation the oil of solution is speaking in this season because God wants to put things in order, in lives, in homes, in business world, in the church and in nations. so many things in the world are out of order. But God has provided a solution for them, and the solution is you; you are the salt of the earth, salt is a preservation and something that adds taste to tastelessness. You have a preservation effect on the earth, and ability to give text to tastelessness .you can preserve your world from corruption and bring back life to decayed things, you can also add flavor and test to bitter things, you have the ability restore and repair broken things. you have the ability to call back to life dead situations. You are truly an embodiment of solution and hope. Even after things have become hopeless, by the oil of solution upon your head in this season you can call forth restoration. He is a God of joy and restoration. (6) LIVE IN THE PRESENT Many people live their lives with the mentality that whatever they have through in the past will determine their present and even their future is important to be positive about your future. No matter what your past was or your present is (Jer.29 v 11) see your future with the eyes of faith, Jesus specializes in using the fragment of our lives to do great things. He wastes nothing no matter how useless and hopeless it works. After feeding 5,000 people with only five loaves of bread and two fishes, he told his disciple to gather the fragments that nothing be wasted. (Mark 6:43) He is the builder of the rebuilder of the broken walls of shattered lives. He can do so much with your in the past is like reopening an old wound. It is like pouring salt on an injury, it stirs up old wounded emotions and keeps the wrong thoughts very close to your mouth. You have to press yourself from past into a glorious present and future. Consciously decide to live in the present. LEARN TO ENJOY YOUR LIFE Have fun in your relationship with God and with people, you are the one responsible for your joy, do not give that responsibility to anyone else the devil is so much interested in making you to lose your joy more than he is in your possessions, refuse to let him steal your joy. Without joy, you can cannot enjoy your life. You have to come to a point in your walk with God, where you make up your mind that what ever it takes, you will enjoy every day of your life on earth, and not lose your peace for anything. When your heart is marry, you release joy to others who come way “A merry heart does good like medicine” (prov.17:22). Don’t Give up, Press on You need to press into God and to press on without giving up on life. It takes pressing to have victory in life. It is not something that someone else can do for you. You have to do your own pressing. To press to is to exert steady force or pressure against something. You have to press against the pressures that are trying to press life out of you. Refuse to quit no matter what you are going through (Deut.30:11; Gal 6:9) wine is made by pressing out the Juices from grapes. You have to press them so hard before the juices can be released that becomes wine to make man’s heart merry. The juices of our lives need to be pressed out before we can nourish our world with it. Wine often represents the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. You press your clothes to get the wrinkles out. Jesus is coming for a church without spot or wrinkle. You need to press out the wrinkleness in your life to make room for the Holy Spirit to bless your world through you. In Matthew 9:20-22, we read of the woman with an issue of blood, who was in her problem for 12 year. She had spent all she had going to doctors, had lost all her friends because no one wanted her. She was stinking and dirty. She decided to press past every challenge on her way to get to Jesus. The crowd was against her because she was stinking and as she posses, people hissed at her, yet she pressed on and pressed through every roadblock till she touched the helm of his garment. She had enough challenges to make her give up but she pressed on. If you have to get what you want, you have to even press through the opinions of people, friends and relative. Forgive Those Who Hurt You Forgiveness means to release, set at liberty, to unchain or let go of a matter from the inside. It means to absolve from payment, to cancel a debt, it also means to excuse someone from a fault or an offence. It entails renouncing anger or resentment against someone and giving up a wish to punish or get even with the person. The person you choose to forgive is discharged and acquitted and the sin he committed is no longer held to his account. Forgiveness also implies bestowing favour unconditionally. It ushers God to his throne of Judgment. It certifies that our prayers are qualified to come before His throne. Lots of prayers offered by believers do not have access to God because of un-forgiveness. Forgiveness is a choice, which does not only favour the person that is guilty but favours also the person who chooses to forgive. This is because when you are holding another person to ranson for whatever wrong he has done to you, you are equally holding yourself. Therefore to impact your world, you must live a life of forgiveness. Locate You Destiny Pillar There is a pillar that you need to hold to locate your destiny. You need to locate your destiny-pillar, people whom you must hold, lean on or stand on their shoulders to fulfill destiny. You need to locate your destiny lamp stand on which you can stand and shine. Bishop David Oyedepo of Living Faith Ministries Nigeria said that, “without fathers, you will have no feathers”. You do not need to remain under the bushel for life. You need to be put on the lamp stand of your life before you can shine out to your world. You are too anointed to be ignored. God saved you and made so much deposit in you to impact your world. You must shine forth. You have been hidden for too long. You have been ordinary for too long. It is time for you to be showcased to your world. Dress Well To Represent the Master Some people are so religious that they are earthly useless and do not care what they look like. You have been bought with a price; glorify God with you body and spirit. People address you the way you dress. Watch your appearance. Dress like an ambassador, representing the most High on earth. Your dressing and appearance can either endear people to the God you serve or keep them far away from Him. Dress is meant to cover nakedness and the Bible recommends moderation in dressing. Seductive dressing does not befit your status as a kingdom citizen comport yourself with dignity and honour. It is necessary to take care of your hair, mouth and body to avoid adours. Use good soap, cream, deodorants and perfumes. Look good and smell good without looking seductive. Carry His Presence And Glory Everywhere You Go Arise and carry His presence into schools, offices, various government parastatals, church, market places and into the nation. It takes determination to arise and shine. If you carry Himself through your words and conducts. As you showcase Him to your world, you are teaching principalities and powers His manifold wisdom (Eph3:9-10) you are God’s Terrorist, with Holy Ghost bombs inside, to intimidate the power of darkness. You are the temple of the Living God (2Cor.6:16) Mentor as Many as God Brings Along Your Path A mentor is an experienced, trusted friend, and an adviser, that helps you to fulfill your calling in life. He is a trainer that facilitates the fulfillment of destiny. Mentors help you get to where you would never have gotten to on your own. When you do not have a mentor, you are slowed down, could be frustrated and limited in the accomplishment of your destines in life. Mentorship is God’s wisdom for maximizing His potentials in your life. If you have a mentor whom you diligently pursue and follow after, you will not only tap from the grace of God on that person’s life, but you will have what it takes to double his own accomplishment. Mentees have the ability to be double portion carriers; they can carry a double portion of the anointing of their mentors while their mentors are still alive. Human beings cannot train themselves to become their best in life. You do not have all that it takes to make yourself the best that you can be. Your destiny is tied to the loins of some other people on whose shoulders you can climb and see further. You must under-study someone or be coached by someone else before you fulfill destiny. Tutelage and apprenticeship are very important in every field of life. Have a Positive Mindset The mind is really an amazing part of the body. It is a machine that keeps working even while you are sleeping. Man is a spiritual being; he possesses a soul and lives in a body. The mind is part of the soul (Gen 2:7) God formed man out of the dust of the earth and breathed upon him the breath of life and man became a living soul. The soul is the seat of your emotions, personalities, mind and will. Your mind needs to educated and developed. What you pour into it is what you get out of it. It cannot develop spiritual food. Joyce Meyer while teaching on the mind in her tape “Mind, mood and mouth” made this statement, “watch your thoughts because they become your words, watch your words because they become your actions, watch you actions because they become your habits, watch your habits because they become your character and watch because they become your destiny. The mind is the battlefield in spiritual warfare. That is where we lose or win our battles with Satan. If you win in your mind, then you will win physically. the life you are living now is the result of the thoughts you have mediated on in the past and the words you spoke with your mouth. It is not just about your bad luck or the devil being after you but about your thoughts, words and actions. They have a lot to do with where you are right now and where you will end up in the future prov. 23:7 confirms that “ as a man thinks in his heart, so is he” Be careful how you think about other people. If you constantly meditate on how people have hurts or lied against you, it will be virtually impossible for you to be nice to them. Your thoughts determine the outcome of your life. You are responsible for the thought that go on in your mind. You can control your thoughts and choose what to think about. Your mindset affects what you say and the totality of your being. You cannot make a great position impact in your world with a grasshopper mentality. My friends in face book, sorry for not hearing from me. From now on we can start.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 17:07:38 +0000

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