IN LOVING MEMORY: I WISH I COULD SHARE THIS in other media FOR - TopicsExpress


IN LOVING MEMORY: I WISH I COULD SHARE THIS in other media FOR ROBIN WILLIAMS, I dont Know how. If anybody knows how to It could help me with our grief. PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING POST .... and thanks, just in case..... On August 11. 2014 Robin Williams Passed Away at age 63 Oh! How, how, how SAD! My all time favorite actor! The one The Oscars always did their best to ignore, which made me so mad so often! The one I felt so very close with, specially because of the trials of his past and now its obvious, still tortured his mind at the such a level as to drive him into SUICIDE! Oh! My heart is heavy for him. I was just writing in Spanish (in answer to a heart biting video) about how we should understand when a person, (from baby to old age), crosses The Veil (Pass Away) REGARDLESS of how when where etc... although, there may be a slight difference here and there, of what may be the persons status, if it helps you understand it better that way, once he/she has passed. My prayers are for the family of The Great Human Being who, due to a most horrible invisible to the naked eye Illness, (I bet my neck on a guillotine that he also had another Both which have haunted me all life long and still struggle with every day!), ah! yes! and sadly in a alarming number of cases, family members, WORSE YET! (me included.) Health Care PROFESSIONALS either brush off not willing to recognize our agony as REAL or (again, like with me) theres no fat, wallet, to pay for all the treatment in which not only the patient, but the Health/Mental Health Care PROFESSIONALS need to chip in to aid in order to achieve the best possible outcome. I tears me inside that I had a close family member, who I loved, admired and felt so alike with in many ways, take a GUN to his HEAD AND SHOOT HIMSELF! (No Im not against 2nd Amendment! I respect and love all, please respect me!) Very painful as well to have an even close member tell me that I pay the Docs at both Health Care Organizations to label me Disabled in order to get my check on the third of the month! May Robin Williams find it able learn and work on to achieving the solace he so desperately was seeking in the first place! Our Father Is Great and He knows us perfectly well, even better than ourselves! HE IS THE ONLY ONE WHO HAS THE LAST WORD...WHETHER WE WANT IT, LIKE IT, OR NOT. Oh My Lord! How Great Thou Art!
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 23:26:33 +0000

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