IN SPITE OF FAMILY AND FRIENDS LUKE 4:43 After going home to - TopicsExpress


IN SPITE OF FAMILY AND FRIENDS LUKE 4:43 After going home to a cool reception, Jesus said, A prophet is honored everywhere except in his own home town (Mk. 6:4). In other places Christ was considered a hero but not here. His family ... thought he was out of his mind. So how did Jesus handle his family? How do you handle your family (and friends) when you set out to do what God has called and commissioned you to do? Jesus didnt try to control the attitudes nor actions of his family members, nor did he let their attitudes and behavior control his. He loved them, but he didnt demand that they always agree with him. He didnt sulk or retaliate when they insulted him. And he didnt make it his mission in life to try to please them either. Should it be that your family and friends are making it difficult for you to serve the Lord, take note of Jesus and follow him: 1) Christ recognized that his spiritual family could provide what his natural family did not. You need the support and stability that comes from the fellowship with believers, whether they are in your local church, small group or are your prayer and/or accountability partners. 2) Christ didnt let the difficult family dynamics overshadow his call from the God. Family and friends may not understand, let alone agree yet you cannot let their positions keep you from doing that which God has called you to do. 3) Christ refused to let the opinion of the crowd dictate his direction. The whole town of Capernaum tried to keep him from leaving (Lk. 4:42), yet he resisted the undertow of the people by anchoring himself to the rock of His purpose: to build Gods kingdom, not his own. To fulfill the purpose for which you have been sent, you must follow the will of the Lord despite family, despite friends. PRAYER: Lord, having received the instructions and knowing my purpose for your kingdom to be made manifest on earth, help me to not be upset, disturbed or distracted by the wishes, thoughts, and actions of my family and my friends. I am firmly anchored in Christ and shall complete your purpose. AMEN.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 09:00:00 +0000

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