IS THE ETHER NORTH AND SOUTH AND NEUTRAL POLE MAGNET? Is an electric current made up out of two poles running against each other that is run very fast to the right? Most of the magnet as separated poles as is ether doesnt participate in this; yet where baryonic matter is tht is made up of these three particlae come together you have what is called an atom; the smallest aggregate of this is called an atom; and a single atom is called hydrogen; and all other element on the periodic chart is grown from this by adding in more or less magnet pole and neutral pole; remember that a pole is a central point such energy is a whirl pool a round that is made up of such ether all is made to float is that is made up out of baryonic matter; So most magnet as cosmic particulate is in a free formed colloidal state and it has not crystalized in to baryonic matter as is the atom making up all on the periodic chart; biological transmutation of even radio active element into more inert nutrient is what happens in nature; and a crab can develop its shell rapidly beyond any ability to have collected such from its environment; and there can be up to six hundred more percent more mineral in a twelve day old fertilized egg than one that was only three days old; and this was not taken from its environment but happened through biological transmutation of one element into another has does incur by lithophilic lifecolloid that are in the earth for example; Is this biological transmutation of one element into another the aggregation fusion and differentiation of these three particles only? Can this more perfectly describe what all is made of; even every single element? So most of all of space is of individual magnets as poles or neutral; and is it not that such is participating in this observed effect of baryonic matter because such when finally crystalized into a photon as light is that as weve been discussing is much slower form of energy than magnicity that is of superluminal velocity; as is gravity a component of magnicity; Is electricity really more accurately described as north and South Pole and neutral orbiting in a figure eight pattern because it is vortexing; that is traveling through space via the lowest Eddie; is not space eddies and collections of baryonic matter? And is not all atoms baryonic matter made up out of magnetic particulate? And is it not that this is actually vortexes of such; and havent you got this made perfectly on the outer rim of a body in relation to what you have on its inner plane; does cold condense and warmth expand? If you looked through space would you see dense matter no light escapes from that doesnt reflect nor absorb but is existing within the same space totally Un effected that such past right through the other without disturbing a single atom of baryonic matter; such does so because of its uniformity as a colloid ok Is a proton and an electron actually a north and South Pole magnicity; that is in a figure eight loop folded back over itself.that has a toroidal shape; it is rhomboidal and as is a doughnut in space and as such it has a magnetic moment where two equal and opposite waves unite they annihilate each other but a small vortex is left behind and this is the residium of this phase conjugative transform called the third particle as is the neutrino could space be made mostly of neutrino and individual pole magnet in a colloid of dissimilar size as is a colloid as is a mosaic that makes up your membranes of your cells; Are magnets in all ? Is this why what is not magnetic like apparently glass or rubber when heated become magnetic because a valence of magnicity that such material had a chance to also build up a surplus as does metal as steel does? But if you only thought as magnetic what was a metal could this be a new paradigm for you that upon your discovery this is so for does not rubber and glass have very small magnets that are evenly dispersed and in such capacity structurally little matrix is to contain excessive amounts of free flowing surplus magnetics as a bar of iron might but it doesnt exclude the fact that what is made in biology be excluded from being also made of magnetic north south and neutral pole magnet only positioned as to not have as much of any noticeable effect in a storage of surplus because nothing such was put into that tissue but in an iron bar you have crystalline structure set up to conduct this magnicity far more than graphite that is pyrolyptic; or material such as chitin in entomology that is very high in its dialectical characteristic; So metal steel is an example of element made that is very unique from that of rubber or glass; for in the organic and non metallic element you also have magnicity; yet because of its spacial ness put as close and in a small space together are not the same as element supportive of a more vast differential that iron does to carry a surplus magnicity; that static and dynamic is one joined force of magnetics really; ok? Is all the element on the periodic chart a summing up of magnetic pole of north and south and neutral unit value that a single hydrogen atom has yet as this is seen to be biological transmutated into other element it is so by a porous state incurred in magnicity of gathered and given up energy that is more generally neutral; yet can be aggregated Abd fused and differentiated into every other element on the periodic chart ok; is an atom a möbius vortexual structure as a figure eight is bent over itself into a sphere? Is this what logically would be in such a binary system we have in the universe?is a north and south and neutral pole flowing in a manner a phase conjugation is existing that combined and run together is what an electrical current actually is? Is all baryonic element the summation of south and north and neutral pole magnet exists in each element;,and how many hydrogen units of energy is necessary to make up every element on the periodic chart merely by summation and reducing hydrogen units from the element? Is this how lifecolloid in the soil live for instance of salt as halophil or some live of methane gas and are called methanophil? Did you know such life biologically transmutated one element into another? Are three particles enough to make all characteristic we see on the periodic chart and also how all polymerizes or crystallizes to make up an observable transform you can feel hear and or see with your senses ok? Such particulate and its dimensional spin added up and taken away can make out of carbon a graphite by have it be joined at three points or by having graphite joined by four poles you make a diamond out of the same substance ok Ok where many can have got stuck is in an old paradigm that stTed to you that magnet is metal as is a bar of iron and because it doesnt seemingly react to such a bar magnet that it there fore was not magnetic is a very big error and also what is static and what is dynamic are both states of magnicity and a reason exists in nature why an alternating type of current is better applied yet it is not told to the ful reaso as to why this is so y et this is another story; we can insets and one only considering a metal bar to have the property of magnicity but not anything else although as being pointed out here in all is effected by such a magnetic field that goes beyond what was ordinarily there and it does so because all atoms are baryonic and made themselves of the three magnetic spin particulate; and no one could say there is not enough parts to describe all we see around us including all that is biological is also magnetic and the two are not opposites nor separated as one can have been schooled classically All element on the periodic chart can be seen to be gradations of hydrogen units that is itself an example of a single atom that when it is combined makes up larger element till all of course is made up you see around as element on the periodic chart ok Is this how a metal can be oxidized down to hydrogen again? And is this how your body masterfully converts calcium and magnesium and potassium into silica and sulphur and iron for instance ?love David xxx
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 23:56:41 +0000

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