IS THE NDC PARTY REALLY GOING BACK TO THE GRASSROOTS??? On Saturday, 20th December, 2014, the National Democratic Congress held its national delegates congress to elect executives for their national executive body as a requirement by the partys constitution. It was by all humble standards a keenly contested elections, although it was easy to get your predictions right if you keenly observed the campaign waves. Fear delegates and not ghost ( Owusu Afriyie, A.k.A, Sir John, 2014). That was the philosophical statement of the former NPP scribe when he received the most shocking political defeat of his career. But sir johns phrase couldnt fit squarely in NDCs scenario, because most of the aspirants, especially those going for the chairmanship, secretary and organizer knew their positions or smoothness levels before going into the elections. So delegates were really not fearsome this time around! The waters have never been calm as far as elections are concerned in this country. It is the same for both intra and inter party political contests. During the electioneering campaign for the congress, some of the contestants, especially the aspirants for the topnotch positions threw salvos and opprobrious aspersions against each other. Vile propaganda, allegations and counter allegations were not absent from the table. After declaration of the verdicts, the question many are asking, and which time should answer is that, can the NDC come out of this congress, settle its differences and dress all wounds to focus the partys energy towards election 2016? I would not pretend to posses the smartness to answer these questions outrightly, but we can rely on past happenings to say that, there will definitely remain some fractures. However, if the NPP was able to settle its differences after their congress, although there are apparent or tacit signs of serious disunity between the party national executives and the flag bearer, nana Addo, then why not the NDC. The NDC has a proven track record as the most formidable, united and diversified political party in Ghana, and they should and would live up to that. Ghanaians are not expecting a departure from that. Going into the elections, the campaign messages were split between the exponents of taking the party back to the grassroots against the exponents of maintaining the winning team, because as the phrase goes, you dont change a winning team. But what if a team member is tired, aged or injured? Funny isnt it? And the last time I paid a visit to the root of the grass, the grass told me it always has an insatiable taste for water, so its never satisfied. The exponents of taking the party to the grassroots seem to have chanced on a magical campaign message by the reason that virtually all who used it, especially those for the top positions emerged victorious. However, I cant really phantom what the strategy for taking the party back to the grassroots could be. Is it by giving them physical cash? Access to public sector jobs? Or specifically tailored opportunities for them as the partys grassroots? If is about national executives always making themselves accessible to the grassroots, then there is a saying that, you dont go to your elders empty handed. Also, a baby who has endured a prolong cry cant have his mummy or daddy go home empty handed without, at least, a toffee. My hypothesis could rely on the palpable truth that there was massive vote buying, whether direct or indirect by most of the aspirants who won. So couldnt that be a clue to the strategy of taking the party back to the grassroots?? Your guess is as good as mine. Another interesting aspect of this election is this Rawlings factor. There are many who believe most of the new guys in the party are aligned to chairman Rawlings and, of course, not forgetting that his own darling boy and spokesperson Kofi Adams had a landslide victory. What is this Rawlings obsession all about? They say thieves have hijacked the party, and that the partys values have been given to the vultures. Clearly, Rawlings and his faction want us to believe they are the apostles, evangelist and custodians of PROBITY and ACCOUNTABILITY. So probity and accountability implies vote buying? In anyways, isnt it about time Ghanaians are spared this whole pretense of Rawlings holiness and whoever believed in his ways? Rawlings himself is a direct contradiction to his principles and it is amply ludicrous he is not ready to settle with that. Ghanaians have now realized the true colours of his inside. If he as the longest serving head of state could waste our time and end up not doing anything, what can his waning influence and popularity do when he is no more holding the post of a president? We are yet to appreciate that the activities of the party is not the same as the government. The functions of the party is different from the government when it assumes responsibility of governance. The partys national executives dont hold the national kitty, and there is little they could really do to meet the huge expectations of the grassroots. The government should rather be up and doing to deliver on its promises. If the economy is stable and jobs are created, then by default, the grassroots can have their expectations met. NDC MUST KEEP WORKING TO ADVANCE THE BETTER GHANA! Arise, Arise for Ghana Ye Patriots Of The Land Towards Secure Future Development Our Goal From Victory Unto Victory The NDC Shall Lead A Stable Democracy, Ghana Our Strength In Unity From Victoy Unto Victory The NDC Shall Lead A stable Democracy, Ghana Our Strength In Unity. Alhassan Tairou Manaf- ATM!
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 07:41:28 +0000

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