IT IS A MUST THAT WE ARE ABLE TO ARTICULATE OUR EXISTENCE BASED ON IRREFUTABLE ACADEMIC STUDY IF WE ARE TO BRING DOWN THE WALLS OF FALSE WHITE SUPREMACY TEACHINGS AND IDEOLOGIES. Okay...I have received many questions in regards to the European being the Neanderthal man. This is a very lengthy discussion. and there are many brothers and sisters influenced by the mythological story of Nation Of Islam leader Elijah Muhammad story Of Yacub(HEBREW) or Jacob(ENGLISH) story of genetically grafting the White man in a laboratory on the Island of Patmos. Yes I would agree that this is a veiled story of ancient genetic engineering. The original story is told in the Bible in the book of Genesis 30:25-31:16 Please read! Jacob Gets Laban’s Goat (Genesis 30:25-31:16) EXPLAINS ANCIENT GENETICS ENGINEERING The story of Jacob (YACOB THE BIG HEAD SCIENTIST) producing flocks of striped goats and black sheep starting from flocks in which these characteristics had been removed is considered from a Mendelian genetic viewpoint. This implies that the placing of branches in front of the animals arose fromthe belief that vivid sights during pregnancy would leave a mark on the offspring. However, the fact that Laban removed all the coloured animals from the flock he entrusted to Jacob, shows that the herdsmen knew that the colour of the offspring was influenced in some way by the colour of the parents. Okay lets fast-forward to 1865 when EUROPEANS according to their own history became aware of Genetic engineering and heriditary traits. Research Gregor Mendel Okay so our, Our modern understanding of how traits may be inherited through generations comes from the principles proposed by GREGOR MENDEL in 1865.Mendel was curious about how traits were transferred from one generation to the next, so he set out to understand the principles of heredity in the mid-1860s Understanding Dominant Traits Before Mendels experiments, most people believed that traits in offspring resulted from a blending of the traits of each parent. However, when Mendel cross-pollinated one variety of purebred plant with another, these crosses would yield offspring that looked like either one of the parent plants, not a blend of the two. For example, when Mendel cross-fertilized plants with wrinkled seeds to those with smooth seeds, he did not get progeny with semi-wrinkly seeds. Instead, the progeny from this cross had only smooth seeds. In general, if the progeny of crosses between PUREBRED plants looked like only one of the parents with regard to a specific trait, Mendel called the expressed parental trait the DOMINANT TRAIT. MELANATED AFRICANS ARE GENETICALLY SUPERIOR TO EUROPEANS, WE POSSESS THE DOMINANT GENES. THIS IS UNDISPUTED SCIENTIFIC FACT!!!!! BLOND HAIR,BLUE EYES, WHITE MELANIN DEFICIENT SKIN IS A RECESSIVE TRAIT. THIS IS SCIENCE!!!! The American Association of Physical Anthropologists meeting, held here from 28 to 31 March, a new report on the evolution of a gene for skin color suggested that Europeans acquired pale skin quite recently, perhaps only 6000 to 12,000 years ago. I totally agree with their findings. 40,000 B.C. AFRICA Iron ore mined in Swaziland about 40,000 years ago for the purpose of making red ochre for decoration and body paint. ASIA Black Grimaldi Negroids migrate to the Middle East and Asia bringing the Aurignacian culture from Africa to Europe as well EUROPE Grimaldi Negroids enter Europe bringing in the Aurignacian Culture. They later evolve into the Cro-magnon People after about twenty thousand years of living in the cold, damp ice and loosing the need for dark black skin. (OKAY SOMEWHERE IN BETWEEN HERE THE GRIMALDI NEGROIDS AS A RESULT OF CLIMATIC CONDITIONS AS A RESULT OF A CATACLYSMIC METEORITE SHOWER MUTATED INTO WHAT WE KNOW TODAY AS THE CAUC-ASIAN (CAUCASUS-ASIAN) or (EURASIANS). AUSTRALIA/MELANESIA Ancestors of Black Australoids, Pygmies and Melanesians from the Sahara and East Africa migrate to Australia about 100,000 to 60,000 thousand years ago. Descendants of Tasmanian Blacks arrive thousands of years before. Melanesians arrive from the coast of East Africa They establish cultures throughout Asia and are the only Homo sapiens in the region. Many occupy China, India, South East Asia. ————– 30,000 B.C. AFRICA Negroid type dominates all Europe, the Americas, Asia, Africa, the Pacific Islands, the Middle East. This type is said to have been a more Negroid Cro-magnon, who had not been affected as yet by the Ice Age conditions which led to the change in skin complexion. Blacks bring horticulture and early agricultural practices from Africa to Melanesia, Papua New Guinea and the Region. ASIA 20,000 B.C. First ‘white” Cromagnon types appear in Europe among a Black population in much of the warmer parts of Europe and Asia. Pacific Blacks sail to the Americas after sailing from East Africa. First Black cultures and civilizations called the Aqutic Civilizations developin the Sahara. First evidence of a more advanced culture in the region. Blacks from Sahara sail to the Americas across the Atlantic EUROPE First “white” Cromagnoids appear in Europe. These homosapiens evolved from the Black Grimaldi Negroids who migrated from Africa —————- AFRICA 17,000 B.C. to 10,000 B.C.. Beginning of Nile Valley cultures and prehistoric civilizations. Civilizations begin in Sudan and spreads down-river to the middle part of Egypt. The Delta is still covered with water. ASIA Black cultures in SW Asia, India, Melanesia, Papua New Guinea, the South Pacific and Southern China thrive. Ice Age still affects northern Asia. 15,000 B.C. Zingh Empire exists in West Africa while part of Sahara is still covered with Lakes and an insland sea that supports boats and a maritime culture. Zingh Empire spreads its influence over much of the Sahara, tropical Africa and the Middle East, and establish their standard, the red, black and green flag over the entire region, (Blisshords Communications) EUROPE Blacks controll much of Europe especially southern and central part. Ice still in Northern Europe, Cromagnon and early Cacausoids in the far northern regions and north Central Europe. 10,000 B.C. to 8,000 B.C. AFRICA Kingdom of Ta-Seti (Nubia) reaches a peak of culture. Glass is produced, astronomy is studied, observatories are built, trade and commerce is established. Sahara and Nile Corridor continue to develop. Painting, carving, homes, monuments, early disciplines, the horse and chariot, building in stone. Neolithic culture moves on. Agriculture develops further. Some forms of metal working, making of jewelry and decorations. Buildings of towns, villages and cities begin in the Sahara and elsewhere. Sphinx built about 10,000 B.C., Year of Leo 6280 B.C. Towns and cities spread throughout Ethiopian Empire (Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Libya, Somalia, Isreal, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Mesopotamia, South Arabia, India). ASIA Mongoloid race develops from combination Negroids and Caucasoids in Mediterranean region, during the Mesolithic Age. First evidence of Brachycephalic (trait found among Mongoloids and Semites.round-headed races). Trade and travel between West Asia and Africa. 10,000 B.C. Great Black civilization exists in Southern India. Culture is Africoid and part of what was a great cultural region that connected the Ethiopian Empire with India. So the History of the Caucasian is conclusive and on point with Elijah Muhammad Mythology of Yacub Theory of how the White Man was created and grafted from the lower genetical structure of the Black man. 6000 to 12,000 years ago would put the European or Caucasian in the Neolithic Era.So my research is right on point with the the American Association of Physical Anthropologists. Robin Dooley :-)
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 16:54:09 +0000

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