IT IS ABOUT LIGHT GALACTIC SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLAIRS ASTROLOGY Sunday, December 21, 2014 oraclereport/ “This is the last chance this year that the new world order minions have to forward their agenda. If they can’t make anything happen, which seems to be the case lately, their chance is lost. This year determines who will be the “ruler of a nation” and it looks to me like We the People are taking on that role all over the world.” – L Walker Skill: stick to what is truly valuable Negative Imprint: irritable, fussy, easily annoyed, nervous, superficial show, avoidance, projecting negativity to others, disappointment, power-hungry, salacious, taking all the credit, noisy, judgments based on appearances, feeling on display, jealousy, dark rituals Positive Imprint: creating magic, making music, passionate about life, harnessing personal resources, focus, making things better than they were, beauty, faith, dreams for the future, attunement to nature, sensitivity to subtle energies, firelight The New Moon in Capricorn enters this Solstice weekend, bringing the energy to lead ourselves into better situations and conditions over the next lunar month. The Sabian symbol for the New Moon is “an Indian chief claims power from the assembled tribe.” The questions for each of us this month are: What is my right? What is my share? What do I claim? This powerful New Moon energy, which is under the direction of the primary Wisdom Goddess herself, Kali, is about repositioning, shifting, realigning, revising, and turning. The energy favors turning away from negativity, power and control dynamics, and old-line thinking that maintains the mindset of victimization. A mass turn away from those things this month produces a radical change in the ways of the world. Many geopolitical events will change the trajectory of humanity. We are throwing off the Archons, their minions, and their matrix control system. Joy to the world. This happens from a shift of attention away from the dying old world structure and, with hopeful and excited eyes, freeing ourselves to live the way we want in the new world structure we are creating. The dreaming of Gaia Sophia (or the field of consciousness or the source field – all the same) supports making life the way we want it to be – free from the parameters and controls of mind slavery. Great leaps and great changes can be expected. To usher in the New Moon, Venus makes conjunction with Pluto and also make a square to Uranus Saturday around 4:00 pm ET/9:00 pm UT on Saturday. This New Moon’s Eve configuration brings unexpected changes, developments, and shifts. With these aspects, new relationships start and old relationships that are in need of revision end or come to a new level. Things get set straight with relationships. Trust that whatever is happening is for your best interests. With Uranus involved, we can rest assured that we will be placed exactly where we need to be – even if it hurts now. The Venus-Pluto-Uranus energy re-activates the Grand Cardinal Cross energy that has sounded the call for certain light workers to follow, and also produced great change in the world all year long. Emotions tend to run high with Venus-Pluto-Uranus; things come out of our mouths before we know it, and things that have needed to be addressed come to the forefront. This energy can become obsessive and violent. Over my years at the rape crisis centers, there was always a uptick when Venus and Pluto made aspect. This is the low level of the energy. The high level brings truest forms of love. The conjunction of Venus and Pluto is at the degree “a fire worshipper meditates on the ultimate realities of existence.” This energy is HOT! It can burn you, so take care with it. I detailed Sunday’s New Moon chart and the overarching themes for the month in the audio recording with Andrew for the Capricorn cycle, “The Mass Turn,” at oraclereport. This is the last chance this year that the new world order minions have to forward their agenda. If they can’t make anything happen, which seems to be the case lately, their chance is lost. This year determines who will be the “ruler of a nation” and it looks to me like We the People are taking on that role all over the world. Enough of an awake humanity + divine beings = end of Archontic control. The people of Earth claim our place in the Universe. This is our planet – our home. Nasty etheric aliens can go home. Alright – here’s the wisdom for the weekend: Do not be fooled by appearances and don’t succumb to disappointment. The matrix tries to get us enamored with something – an object, a shiny bauble, a device – and we want to possess it. Remember that the Venus aspect right now is showing us what we truly value. Is what we want based on a natural value or an artificial one? We are more inclined toward beauty right now, but what do we find beautiful now, at this stage of the dream? Where are our values falling along the spectrum? With that, the weekend’s energy is very much like a barometer or gauge for the future. Subtle foreshadowing is happening. Tap in to observing what’s going on around you and you will attune to its plan. This will make future planning much easier. It’s important to follow your instincts if you feel that something just isn’t quite right this weekend. You are most likely right. The ability to see clearly is quite strong. Overall this weekend, take the best of what’s around. What’s around might not be exactly what you want, but the power for magical manifestation is exceptionally high this weekend. Ritualistic energy is inherent. The Sun will move to the Sabian symbol of “the pope blessing the faithful” on Sunday. It always signals hijinks. Be aware. But be aware also that a magical act that is based in love is more powerful than anything. Thank you for all of the wonderful tree pictures. Please keep them coming! Happy New Moon everyone! (P.S. The Sun released an X1.8 flare with coronal mass ejection last night at 7:27 pm ET/00:27 UT. This flare disseminated the energy of “the ocean covered with whitecaps.” It’s turbulent energy. It’s unpredictable, can be highly emotional, and directs us to dive below the surface of things to find where it is calm. We all need to bring the calm back this weekend. “Easy does it” is the mantra. This symbol also references a mobilization of forces and energy from deep places. The Sacred Masculine wells up from the deep to make his presence known this month? We need our inner Sacred Masculine to unite with our inner Sacred Feminine in order to claim our personal sovereignty – to claim our power from the assembled tribe of the Galaxy. All is on time.)
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 08:03:09 +0000

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