Id have to agree. While there are Bad Cops out there, the larger - TopicsExpress


Id have to agree. While there are Bad Cops out there, the larger majority of law enforcement are in good standing. Lets also not forget that they are human and have the ability to err. The problem is exactly what this officer has stated an issue with armed thugs, with no moral capacity, and rather than band together to curb this activity and shut down the thugs, the race baiters attack law enforcement at every turn, and one bad cop gives them all a black eye. Law enforcement is such a small part of curbing criminal activity, communities had far less problems when they worked with law enforcement, when they stood up and didnt allow this crap in their neighborhoods. Enacting Stricter gun control wont stop it, people have to stop it. Taking guns away is like cutting off your foot to stop athletes foot. Guns are a tool, people are a problem. People need to stop sitting back, armchair quarterbacking, expecting police to do it all and take their neighborhoods back. You have 50 gang members in an area with several thousand citizens and maybe 150 cops. If the citizens rose up against the crime and not the cops, they may actually get somewhere.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 17:36:10 +0000

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