If I knock on your door, let me in! In the Bible the Lord - TopicsExpress


If I knock on your door, let me in! In the Bible the Lord says, Behold I stand at the door and knock, if anyone hears my voice and opens the door; I will come in to him, and will sup with him and he with Me. (Apocalypse 3:20) This is a great victory in your life when you RECEIVE that comes from our God, when you receive it in your life! The concerns, problems, tensions, trials and struggles, illness, separation and lack of work; come to grips with all those who feel alone and abandoned to face life and its challenges. All who live their lives without Jesus; are really alone and do not understand why all this is happening to them? The Lord draws to itself all those he loves; and he does not abandon those who love him and seek him with all their heart. Your life is dull and monotonous? You do not understand what happened to you? Or why, do you not get out of this desperate situation? But instead some days, it seems to get worse and the tension becomes unbearable? You need this PEACE thy God can and will give you; LOVE her and all he planned to give you. But do you want? He has the right to take up space in your heart and in your life? His Fathers heart has a profusion of love to give you, if he hits the door of your heart, what will you do, what will you say? The you must invite to come into your life? You will share moments of intimacy with him? Do not worry, this is a loving God who does not force anyone: do you FORGOT you to turn to him? Whatever the reasons or problems: he SOLUTIONS! Your eyes he asks around here and there, and you think you can you go it alone? When youve tried everything and youll be tanned look without finding discouraged, and you realize that your life has not changed: REFER decides to you in Jesus! He is a God of love: it does not force anyone, it will not be mandatory in your life. It will leave you always choose what you want to do with your life, I suggest you Te GIVE him! It is not good to live without him; you have to respect what he has created in this world and invite them into your life. The HOST in King and ACCEPT as your Savior! You away from His will, this is a serious ERROR! Its also that you did not understand: you can not LIVE without it, and that you MISSING the best! It is from Him that you need: only he can help you! You are discouraged, depressed, unhappy? You feel abandoned by all? Youre out of work, tired, sick, oppressed and downtrodden? Do you not see and do not you know: he sees you and expect you to live REGARDED him to help you! All he wants: you ask like a child asks his father. A small child it RECEIVES simply because he needs without worry and with confidence! The Kingdom of Heaven belongs to children! It is written: And Jesus said let the little children, and forbid them not to come to Me; for the kingdom of heaven is for those who like their. (Matthew 19:14) I tell you who seeks and waits patiently either as this little child and will seek blessings from the Father. But remember: that Jesus entrusted the task of watching over all of us and defend us. The Bible states: ... we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. (1 John 2.1 fc) Jesus can do anything, he is our Advocate with the Father; he can intercede for thee, the blessing has come into your life. It is also written: For there is one God, there is one MEDIATOR between God and men; the man Christ Jesus who gave himself as a ransom for the release of all. (1 Timothy 2.5 F. C.) I tell you, go in peace and live for Jesus, Jesus is there to help you and assist you at all times; but he wants you to live in him, in his love of truth and respecting its orders. Maybe you wonder if this is really true or if youre missing? Tell yourself that you have no other solution than to try and trust Jesus. It will not disappoint you, quite the contrary; thou ressortiras stronger and better! Peace, joy and love; all that is the fruit of the Spirit is in you and the power of our God will be with you! Yes, you have understood: to live without him, brings you nothing! You are nothing without him, without his love; you need him, go to him and put your trust in him! Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but I do not have love; I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. (1 Corinthians 13.1) If you do not love you, youre nothing; but in him, with him and through him, you can become a good person! The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble. They rely on you, those who know who you are; because you have not forsaken those who turn to You, Lord. (Psalms 9.10-11 fc) Thereafter, expect to Him; thank him as if he had already accomplished! It is written: Therefore I tell you, when you pray to ask for something; believe that you have received and it will be given. (Mark 11:24) THANK God the Father at all times and for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Ephesians 5.20 f.c) Here is FAITH, then shows his love: he will give a good report! Yes, when our God blesses; the heart of man do not forget, his blessings are always memorable and impressive! May the LORD bless you, receives his love and let you bless! You have the right to happiness and without him miss you AIM for your life! Not to side, straight to the point: Jesus is WIN for your life! Ill let you think about it: but what do you expect to react and go to him, you turn to him? Jesus can and will bless you! Did you know that it is written: Jesus answered I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one can come to the Father except by Me. (John 14.6 f.c) Then LOOK to Him at all times and no matter what happens
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 09:10:47 +0000

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