If the DIA and the CIA were the primary source of the 3% fighting - TopicsExpress


If the DIA and the CIA were the primary source of the 3% fighting to keep the cover-up in place, what might they be planning to unseat Obama? Petraeus and Allen were both among the top brass working to keep the cover-up, and trying to embarrass Obama. When Libya erupted, the embassy attack, it was at the hand of Israel who hoped to make Romney look strong, Obama a failure in the Middle East. But al Queda was an opportunist and mustered a stronger attack against the Libyan embassy, and this fact was kept from the White House by Petraeus, though his excuse is that he was keeping covert operations secret. How else were Rice and the initial briefing of the Congressional committee ignorant of the fact? Petraeus hoped to make the Obama administration look inept, and the truth is only now coming out. Thus as soon as Obama had won the election, those within the administration who knew this approached him about replacing Petraeus, with the information they had in hand for some time – the affair. This is obviously not an accident, as these two generals are in powerful positions and the planned announcement ran amuck of the cover-up crowd, of which the DIA is a player. Petraeus was forced to resign, though Obama feigned reluctance. The FBI was instructed to involve Allen, as his flirtations were likewise known. Both these men have now been removed from power, and others within the military wanting to block Obama’s announcement have gotten the message. The plan in midsummer was to put those who were aggressively carrying out the Reagan Executive Orders for secrecy on the approach of Planet X via assassination under house arrest until after the announcement. But how does one do this to the Director of the CIA or someone as powerful as General Allen, currently under consideration for promotion to a yet more powerful position? House arrest was not possible, but removing them from power and diminishing their status within the military is possible. Three other generals were added to the mix – Sinclair, Stavridis, and Ward – all prosecuted almost simultaneously though their offenses were known for months or even years. The 3% are being warned. zetatalk/ning/24no2012.htm
Posted on: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 13:59:06 +0000

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