If you believe that a persons alleged involvement in a crime gives - TopicsExpress


If you believe that a persons alleged involvement in a crime gives the police the right to shoot him down in the street when he is unarmed and posing no threat to the safety of the police or any civilian, please unfriend me. If you are an anti-government involvement person who thinks its outrageous that the government says you cant carry an assault rifle on your shoulder while shopping in Target, but has no problem with government involvement resulting in the death of an unarmed black man, please unfriend me. I am so disturbed by the callous, hateful things that Im witnessing people say about lost sympathy for Michael Brown because he was a criminal. Theres enough negativity in the world, I dont need it here. If you disagree with me, thats your opinion but I dont need to hear it. Your right to free speech doesnt extend to my Facebook wall. I dont want to have a debate about it. Just unfriend me. Thank you.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 22:13:51 +0000

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