If you enjoy spreadsheets, here is one for you. In my ongoing - TopicsExpress


If you enjoy spreadsheets, here is one for you. In my ongoing efforts to obtain RLC/RLV data from cities in Florida, I received a bulk of the info for Tallahassee today. I am still missing key crash data among other items. The attached spreadsheet lists Notice of Violations (NOV) issued from August 2010 through February 2014. Youll notice a significant drop circa July 2013, about the same time cities were responding to the DOT requirement to add yellow light time thanks to Noah Pranskys unique reporting. Total NOV dropped from 1,786 in June to only 910 in July. I added some profit & loss calculations here based upon the numbers from the citys 2012 audit. Since the city pays a set amount per month per camera (they receive a discount for more than 12) and there was a personnel cost mentioned (albeit far too low), I have added all of this in to see if the city is making or losing money with their camera scheme. The data calculated spans March 2012 through February 2014, since that is the period of time the city has used all 19 cameras. The sheet was also calculated using a 100% ticket payment as well as a 90% payment- all tickets are never paid due to court cases and willful non-payment. In the states 2013 undocumented annual camera scheme survey, this number was as high as 34%. The totals here (losses) would likely be far worse than those shown. Heres the summary: The city must collect 1,239 NOV per month just to cover the cost of the camera scheme operation. If payment drops to 90%, this number increases to 1,377. With a 100% payment rate: LOSS of $47,387 With a 90% payment rate: LOSS of $295,211 The city has been losing money thanks to the scheme since July 2013. Once I have all city data, I plan on requesting time at the city commission for a presentation. While officials have rarely listened to things such as justice, Im hopeful the red ink here will make an impression upon them.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 03:49:11 +0000

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