If you have studied the Bible or have had contact with Christians - TopicsExpress


If you have studied the Bible or have had contact with Christians at all, you have probably heard John 3:16, which starts, For God so LOVED the world... and other versus warning us, Love NOT the world... or Do not conform to the likeness of the world For many years, I thought that the world was people or places, and when I got old enough to actually read some churches doctrines (past & present- how they evolved), I recognized that churches had struggled with continually trying to establish & dictate what or who the world was. For example: 30 years ago a church doctrine and a guideline of membership was that movies or music or dance was to be avoided. 20 years ago, maybe it changed to an idea that, If it is Christian, you can do it, but dont go to secular movies, or Dancing is okay, as long as you are Dancing unto the Lord. There are still church doctrines & people who struggle with trying to find a box Christians can comfortably fit in with regards to the world. It wasnt until I started studying Scripture under the yoke of Christ (and not other people who are just as confused or conflicted), that I began to see the world, as not people & places, but rather a system & a world view opposite of the ideals and precepts of Christ. Where Christ is love, the world system is selfishness. So any time we are selfish, believers or not, we have chosen the world system. Where Christs system is service, any time we are demanding special treatment or to be served by others, we are functioning in the world system. Where Jesus system is faith, anytime we are functioning in fear, we are displaying attributes of the world. When yoked to Christ, given spiritually AWAKE & open eyes, it becomes very clear what the world is and how it functions versus who He is and His system. We, empowered with the Holy Spirit & armed with a helmet of salvation (knowing/confidence we are saved), a breastplate of righteousness (agreement and obedience to Him that guards our hearts), the belt of Truth (knowing the Truth, holding to it, and set free from blindly functioning in our sin-the world- nature), feet fitted w shoes to rush into peacekeeping w others, the shield of faith (able to extinguish fiery darts of the enemy), and the Sword of the Spirit (Gods Word which is quick & powerful, able to separate our sin nature- our worldly thoughts, feelings, & selfish wills from His Spirit, His Truth & guidance) CAN go ANYWHERE & interact with ANYONE without fear. We are not yoked to the world system- where it teaches us how to be, but rather yoked to Christ, if we chose. We are not created to live in a box where we avoid people and places (unless God personally instructs YOU to- then, by ALL means follow His counsel!!). We are not to be timid or weak-minded, but when we assume this armor of God, we MUST... Let me say this again... We MUST not go out self-righteously wielding our sword to cut down all of who & what WE have deemed WEEDS in the world! We sometimes act just like the workers of Matthew 13 who freak out about weeds in the field where He planted wheat like, OH NO! (gasp! Spit!) THERE ARE WEEDS!!! DO YOU WANT US TO CUT THEM DOWN!? The master says, No. If you do that you will ALSO uproot some of the WHEAT! The wheat and the weeds must grow up in maturity together (the world system and those who decide to indulge will grow in evil, and Jesus system and those who decide to indulge in His system will grow in goodness), and when I decide time, my workers will uproot it all- wheat and weeds and separate it. I think this parable represents what bad effects on other people in the world - that God so loves- when we try to do His work for Him at what time we think it needs to be done because of our issues, fears, & panic. We are not qualified, as much as we feel we may be. Yes, we are soldiers, but no- we are not called to be the table-turner-overs. Yes, we may have that righteous disgust for things in this world, but WE are not to determine others salvation and judge them. Especially when He has told us- it isnt even HIS appointed time that He will do it. So, my encouragement to everyone is to assume your role as a royal priesthood, armed inside and out to go wherever you are lead and to whom you are lead, under the yoke of Christ... and use Scripture as a light to uncover the world system attributes that are lingering in yourself as we function in the world with people who God so loves. As we get that gunk out of us, we become brighter lamps to others feet & lights unto others paths by default and not by effort.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 13:36:45 +0000

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