If you missed Elizabeths funeral, this is the eulogy I wrote and - TopicsExpress


If you missed Elizabeths funeral, this is the eulogy I wrote and read during the service. Jill Thank you for coming today to share in this celebration. This has been a 2 month roller coaster ride physically, mentally and emotionally My sister Elizabeth Darleen Ames Richeson was truly a unique spirit. She kept her family going with her dreams and visions. Always thinking of whats next. Sometimes that drove her family crazy. I would say to her Elizabeth enjoy today. which she did, but she couldnt help thinking about all the great things she could accomplish tomorrow. Sometimes mother and I had to be careful what we said If either of us mentioned a project we were contemplating on doing, Elizabeth would volunteer to help get that project started and she meant right now. Elizabeth was a fixer. Of people. Of problems. Of projects. She wanted to help everyone On one of our many trips to the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, there was a young man on the corner of the busy intersection with a sign that said his daughter was sick and he needed money. So Elizabeth digs through her purse and gives him the few bills she had. Because that’s who she was. And when we left the cancer center that day, Im pretty sure that same guy was standing on another corner with a different sign that his wife had cancer and she had no insurance. Elizabeth never carried cash. She would call and say hey it looks like there are a couple of good yard sales, wanna go? Then when she found something she wanted to buy, she would say do you have any money I can borrow? You ask me to go yard sailing, I have to drive my car because your car is full of stuff, then you dont bring any cash? Ill pay you back she would say, and I would just laugh. I didnt care if she paid me back or not. Just hanging out with her was worth the price of admission. I had ordered some take out pizzas a few months ago and Elizabeth volunteered to pick them up. I was grateful for the help and when I looked at the receipt to give her the money back, I see that shes given the girl at the counter a $4 tip. “You gave her a tip for handing you the 2 pizza boxes?” Guess I should have just ordered delivery. It would have saved her a trip. But that’s who she was. Our mother has always said that Elizabeth jumps in the middle and goes both ways. She loved to start projects. Any project. Crafts painting gardening tiling…... The problem was not the starting of the project The problem was finishing the project. She did a beautiful job putting in the laminate flooring in mother’s bathroom. However when it came to finishing it up under the old claw foot bathtub somehow that never got done. She did decide one day that mothers bathtub needed a new white shiny finish so she bought this stuff and painted the inside with some special paint and it turned out great. The only problem was the over powering smell throughout the house for the next 2-3 days. The fumes were horrific. But she just couldnt wait for warmer days when we could open up doors and windows so we could breathe. But that’s who she was. Lets do it today so we can do something else tomorrow. Elizabeth was a visionary. Her big idea at one point was to turn the old house on the Forty into a bed and breakfast. “And how do you propose we do that Elizabeth? Cooking is certainly not your forte. Im pretty sure cleaning isnt either so who is going to do all the work?” But to her, those were minor details. It was her job to come up with the visions and someone elses job to handle the little things. She also wanted to landscape it AND create our own little pet cemetery out there She thought a statue of St Francis the patron saint of animals would be a nice touch. Her dreams were big The boards on one side of mother’s front steps rotted out last summer. So Elizabeth pulls out her carpenter’s hat, buys the new boards and fixes it. The problem is, she didnt measure anything because, you know, those are minor details. So one side is normal, but the other side, well lets just say they dont match. The new side is about an inch higher which believe it or not can throw you off. I think of her each and every time I go up and down those steps even if I do tend to use the side she didnt fix. Elizabeth was always the first one to volunteer to help. Sometimes she would volunteer others to help too. When her 40 year class reunion was coming up, she told the committee she would be in charge of decorating. Her daughter Ashley had taught us how to make these paper 3D stars so Elizabeths vision was to make hundreds of these stars to hang from the ceiling in Andy Grosss barn at Lake Byron. Half of them orange and half of them black, our school colors. So as the date draws near, Elizabeth the Procrastinator panics and needs help making all these hanging stars. So we take all the stuff to mother’s house to start the assembly line. That Friday, Elizabeth asked if I could go with her to lake Byron and help her hang these stars from the ceiling. I really didnt want to waste my vacation time at work to help my sister decorate for her 40 year class reunion with the paper stars that I was forced to make. So as irritated as I was, we headed for the lake. That afternoon ended up being so much fun. I got to see some of her classmates that I hadnt seen in 40 years. Andy plugged in the music. Elizabeth was dancing. The sun was shining. It was a beautiful day at the lake with my sister. She could make anything fun. Because thats who she was. When we were growing up, I was never sure if Elizabeth lived with us or with the Pugsleys. As long as I can remember, Liz and Dottie Jo have been soul sisters I loved Dotties mom Grace. As a little girl, she treated me like a princess. She fondly named me Jill Baby and to this day, my family and close friends still call me that. Every card and every gift that Elizabeth gave to me were addressed to Jill baby We are so glad that Dottie her daughter Grace and her grandson Oakley could come for this celebration. On November 17th, 1989, Elizabeth met the love of her life, her daughter Ashley. Sorry Bob. Elizabeths world revolved around her daughter Then on October 22, 2014, Ashleys status dropped a notch as she brought her daughter Dylan Avery into this world. Our beautiful gerber baby. So perfect and precious. Elizabeths big blue eyes would twinkle at just the mention of her name. Oh the stories we can tell that little girl someday about her grandma will fill her with love and laughter. Ashley? Hunter? You have the most important job of all. And we are all here to help and support you so dont forget that. Subject: Dogs: dogs were in Elizabeths top 5 favorite things in life. Since moving out after high school, Elizabeth has always had a dog or 2 or 3 or 5. Jessica was her first. She was her constant companion Then came Dominic, Aspen, Mr Michael Brewster, Punkins, Dakota, Einstein, Brandy, Misty, Murphy, Isabella, Molly Jean and Emma. Im sure Ive missed one or two. Elizabeth loved each and every one of them Even the ones who were not so lovable. Because thats who she was. And finally, her family Bob, we are here for you and we are going to fight that cancer together. I miss my Bob and I plan on getting him back. Mother, Elizabeth left us a lot of things to take care of so buckle up, its going to be a bumpy ride but Ill be holding your hand the whole way so together we can do this. Hunter, take care of my sisters girls. I know that wont always be a piece of cake but we are all here to help. Marty, Tom? You know how much Elizabeth loved you guys. Aunt Juanita? This will be a whole new chapter in your life. I know how much you depended on Elizabeth but we have to go on the best we can. Aunt Rosie? Thank you so much for flying up from Texas to be with us. Im so glad we came to see you a few weeks ago. Aunt Dorothy, Bev, Scott? What a wonderful surprise. Im so glad you came. Kevin & Marissa? Thank you for being so supportive thru this all and standing at the roller coaster exit gate to help me walk. Evonne? I love you Doug & Tina? You are our earth angels. Thank you for everything. Charlotte? Im free for coffee, call me. Neighbors, friends, relatives, and anyone I missed? Thanks for coming and for all the love, support, and food....... Lets get this party started. Because Elizabeths goal in life was to be happy. Thats who she really was. The ceremony ended with the song happy by Pharrell Williams. It was so awesome!!!
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 02:27:51 +0000

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