If you think that wealth is the result of hard work and enterprise - TopicsExpress


If you think that wealth is the result of hard work and enterprise then please explain to us all why you are not a billionaire. What...are you lazy? Obviously, we have come to some great national disconnect. Remember the truisms we grew up with like: It takes money to make money, and Its not what you know, its who you know. And lets not forget the one about building a better mousetrap. Somewhere along the way we lost that common sense approach, that pragmatic and realistic take on life and traded it for the blame game, where it was not the people in power who caused the problems but the people who had no power. It was those poor souls who stood between the prideful blamers and their money who were at fault. And when one throws in a multitude of hand picked, out of context, and selfishly interpreted bible verses the mayhem and hypocrisy grows exponentially. Soon every constitutional nut job and every libertarian anarchist crawls from the woodwork to join their faith based armageddonists in redefining reality. The result? Social issues take precedence over empty bellies as religion eschews its spiritual responsibilities in favor of political control. Human rights take a back seat to corporate rights as industry, in ad campaign mode, fills the airwaves with misinformation disguised as patriotism. The media, with the backing of the oligarchy, cease responsible journalism in favor of endless opinion pieces disguised as valid truth. Social fringe dwellers achieve national prominence and equal time for their twisted views that are based on cultural supremacy, racial bias, and constitutional deconstruction. The beginnings of a caste system come to pass where entire populations are held in check by low wages, inability to collectively negotiate, and poor health. Conspiracies and conspirators abound and point in every direction except in the direction of the wealthy who profit from the chaos. The poor are deemed lazy, and get poorer. The rich are deemed job creators and get richer. Religion ceases to procure salvation, but instead seeks to subjugate the masses. And, last but not least, corporations are deemed people, complete with souls. There is a happy ending though...In another 150 years when the seas have been over fished beyond repair, and the land has been assaulted for every scrap it could offer, the human race will wind itself down to nothing. The Earth will cleanse itself and regenerate. The wealthy and powerful will reside in the same soil as those whom they sought to rule. The world will go on--minus us. Yes, those who had envisioned themselves the products of gods will give their all to ashes and dust. Others will take our place. Hopefully they will be smarter and more humble.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Apr 2014 14:27:16 +0000

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