Im not going to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving individually - TopicsExpress


Im not going to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving individually but, I still wanted all of you to know that you are thought of. To show my heart is not completely made of stone...a few honorable mentions of who and what Im thankful for. (In no particular order) 1. The relationship I have with my matter how small. At least I can talk to my daughter about things that are important to her. I would very much like to do the same with my son. My son Peter W. Griffith, that overfills me with pride every time I talk to him. You truly are the son that gives me an amount of joy that I had been missing for years. 2. DISTANT relationships and friendships that I have somehow, some way been able to keep just as fresh as if they were here with me now. (i.e.: Matt McClintock-a FANTASTIC brother and friend along with his wife Pamela McClintock and daughter Kendra. I could not ask for a better person in my life. Be safe out in Germany and show those dirty Krauts how to be thankful. LMAO Crystal Arroyo-the friendliest disease Ive ever had the pleasure of contracting, LOL. Along with Juan Arroyo her devoted husband and son James that knows me as the coolest uncle this side of the cosmos. For the record Crystal, if you get upset about me writing that, then dont tell someone theyre stuck with you. LMAO. Jessie Gould and her beautiful children Mattie and JJ, that gave me many wonderful memories before I left Texas. Vanessa Croyl and her son Demetrius, who gave the sense of a family for a short period of time and gave me many wonderful memories as well. 3. FAMILIA or FAMILY get well my father that has an incredible amount of issues. I wish you the very best and love you with all my heart. My mother who stays strong for him and everyone else. My brother Thomas who stays strong through so much adversity and his beautiful wife Heather Kyer who is fighting blood on her lungs this holiday season. My brother Dave Kyer who has been living with knee problems; though we hardly see eye to eye, I wish him and his family the best this Thanksgiving. My brother Ray Clark who is not my blood brother but, family regardless. My brother Josh Aranyos who has been the best of brother and friend. 4. MOST women that have come and gone in my life...Ill mention ONLY the ones that mean anything. Angelica Perez: What can I say??? I still love her to this very day. She gave me permission to love and live again when I thought all of my love was gone. Her, and her amazing kids Frank Jr., Britney, and Brianna gave me the sense that I had a new family; one that I would have moved heaven and earth to keep. Crystal Arroyo: no question I could have had it all with her, I simply wasnt ready at the time. Vanessa Croyl: she made me happy during our time together but, I had far too many things that were going on in my life. Melissa Feucaloro: I had a wonderful time every time I was together with her. Some part of me would have liked to see where it went. Donita Stiger: puppy love or my first true love, Im not sure which...I just know she always has a special place in my heart. Jessie Gould: say what you will, including her...she cared in her own way. Would have been nice to see where this went too. But, I did have some wonderful times with her and her kids. Rina Ballez: my longest relationship before I put a ring on (you dont call it a marriage if it never felt like one, and I really dont feel like it ever did. Hence, you wont see whats her name on this list). Even though Rina cheated and said she had to be with her own people, she really opened my eyes to what a love could be like. Real quick before I go on to the next messed up is that!!?? A woman that cheated on me after 13mos. together and possibly cheated during most of our time together gets an honorable mention more than a woman I was supposedly married to!!?? That speaks volumes to me; I was happier with her than I ever was with whats her name. WHY IN THE BLUE HELL DID I WASTE MY TIME WITH THAT CREATURE!!!!!!?????? Personally, I think I only stayed because being a father meant everything to me. Anyway, lets finish the list. Barrie Louise: a beautiful woman I did not meet until my last week in Germany. I spent one of the happiest weeks of my life. She wanted to come to the states with me and part of me says, why didnt you?? 5. Team RWB: I have met so many great people through this group...its impossible to name all. Brad Butler, his beautiful wife Tara Butler, and their wonderful kids. Timothy Walker and his family. John Barnhouse, Ruben Salazar and his crew that he brings to meets. My old platoon sergeant that got me interested in this group. 6. My family in Ohio: cousins, aunts, grandparents, and everything in between...its nice to hear from you every time I do. And great to see your faces when I get the chance. Thats roughly about all that comes to mind. If you were not mentioned by name; please dont get butt-hurt or anything. Its not that you were forgotten...its just that youre not important. LMAO....ok, ok...i joke, I kid. Seriously, if you feel overlooked...feel free to post the time that you think of in the comment section, I read them all. On a side note, dont be afraid to show or post how thankful you are for the gifts in your life. Who knows if theyll be taken from you, no matter the circumstances. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone on this site... -da Phoenix- Our greatest glory is not in never falling but, in rising every time we fall -Confuscious-
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 17:14:09 +0000

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