Im not posting this to start a huge online debate. Thats not what - TopicsExpress


Im not posting this to start a huge online debate. Thats not what Im using this social medium for. I just dont think a vast majority of this world understands what it means to be Jewish, who Id like to remind the world, only take up 0.196% of the worlds population. But not only this, who have had a history of constantly being oppressed, persecuted, slaughtered. No one knows what its like to be in a minority group unless youre in one, and when compared to the rest of the world, we are one. After years of suffering, after years of continuous expulsion from the holy land, after the Holocaust (lets not forget about this), after the diaspora, the Jewish people were spread out all over the world. This was a product of blatant anti-semitism. There was always hate, lurking around some corner. But it wasnt until Israel was created that the Jewish people had a place that they knew they could be safe in. Where they knew they would be able to live, without fear of being victimized by anti-semitism. But we were wrong. Since Israels creation it has been attacked from all sides, not because of so-called illegal occupation, not because of so-called apartheid, not because Israelis are attempting genocide, but because of a belief that there should not be a Jewish state, because of anti-semitism. All of these myths have been spreading over the course of Israels existence as yet another product of anti-Semitism. Lets not forget that long before the state of Israel was created, Jews were accused of drinking babys blood and shaving their horns. Lets not forget Hitlers propaganda tactics that lead to the Holocaust. But the hatred never stopped, and with hatred, comes more violence. Suicide bombings, rocket attacks, kidnappings, and thousands of lost lives became a pattern in Israel and because of this, the IDF have now mastered the art of defending their people, especially since the vast majority of the population is forced to enlist in the first place (another product of this eternal siege). Now thanks to the IDF and the Iron Dome, there are far less casualties, far less overall damage, but the fear hasnt gonna way. The trust hasnt gotten any stronger. And now anti-semitism is showing itself in less blatant, but still prevalent ways, causing the world to view Israelis and Jews as evil, lesser beings, with hate in their eyes, seeking out the destruction and extermination of others, seeking to occupy their livelihood, and imprison them so they will suffer just like we have suffered. But Im not even trying to talk about the current conflict. All I am doing is trying to help you understand my perspective. Understand the perspective of an entire race of people, a minority on this planet that we all share, that we all want to feel equally a part of. Im not suggesting criticism of Israel in any capacity is unwarranted by posting this. Im not personally of the belief that all criticism of Israel is anti-semitic, I know many times its well-intentioned. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. But if you are going to believe propaganda and believe portraits that have been heavily painted into our society and into the worlds perception of Israel, go ahead and do it. Just dont do it without the willingness to listen. Dont do it and get surprised when we speak passionately or get offended. Dont do it unless you want to to understand the context that has been heavily ingrained in the Jewish culture and is a direct product of our history. If you disagree, thats fine. Please dont respond on this to start a debate because its not gonna go anywhere. If you want to talk about it, reach out to me personally, make me feel like you are genuinely interested in understanding my perspective, my emotions. If not, then please, keep your comments to yourself.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 18:38:32 +0000

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