Im touched by everyone today we delivered $170 dollars from the - TopicsExpress


Im touched by everyone today we delivered $170 dollars from the Richmond Chapter NinerEmpire for raising that at Sundays away game get together at Noyas & for the cool guy selling the Niner emblems he gave us one for Young Adrian as a gift & has things to donate to support future fundraisers for TeamKikis! Also, shout out to Terri Munoz for her employee sent a $20 donation as well ... I tell everyone not to put anyone on blast or to make it about anything other then Adrain but it truly touches us, all the support, love & respect & unity from everyone! My parents taught me to say please, excuse me, thank you & to always humbly give credit were credit & acknowledgement is due. My father would always say hija nadie te debe nada so si alguin te extiende la Mano se agresida y ensenya tu agradesiemiento Por mas pequienño que sea. Y tan bien si a la puerta te toca alguin en la sena reparte el pollo en vez de 4 pedasos en 8 Para que le brindes una humilde comida al que llege. (Google translate it if you dont get it lol) if we stick to this sentiment & became more humble & would look more into ppls good qualities rather then the unpleasant ones or didnt go by hear say but get to kow one another & offered a lending hand or listened instead of just hearing someone ... We would all be better ppl with less stress. I fall short of this too & need to work back to the days I re read the secret over & over again & also tuned in more to my bible ... You dont have to be a fanatic or go to church all the time but make TIME for God in a way that your heart & he get it! Ok, I have lots to work on & with this sentiment I sign off & thankful today (despite our flat tire) was a great day! Buenas muches as my Natalia Valentina would say! Jose Reyes your patience can be inspirational too :-)
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 06:08:19 +0000

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