Importance Of Self Analysis II Only sixty four Muslims went to - TopicsExpress


Importance Of Self Analysis II Only sixty four Muslims went to Spain and the entire Southern Spain became Muslim. Look at the amount of Muslims we have in America and how many people are becoming Muslim? People used to come close to the companions of the Prophet, whereas now a days people run away from Muslims. What is the reason? Islam is the same. It is because of our bad, hypocritical conduct of cheating and lying. We have to wake up quick since we are in big trouble with Allah SWT. If we want Allah to love and support us, how can we spread mischief, instead of spreading love, mercy, and goodness? One scholar suggested that in order to do dawah you have to hit the non-Muslims with three punches:The punch in the face: This is to show good manners, and good behavior. People are attracted to goodness. The punch in the stomach: This is to be generous; with food and other things. We need to show people the true generosity of Islam. We should deal with the people according to the way Allah wants us to. The rights of neighbors; If people truly understand this, they would be crying. Abdullah bin Umar (son of Umar bin Al-Khattab R.A) was slaughtering an animal and he told the people that after cleaning the animal, they should take the best piece of meat and give it to his Jewish neighbor. They asked him the reason for this; he replied, I saw the one who is better than me and all of you did the same thing, so I am following him (that is Prophet Muhammad (SAW). While studying the life of the Prophet (SAW), we come across the story of a Jewish woman who used to throw trash in the way of the Prophet. One day the said woman did not throw the garbage on him. Upon inquiry he found out that the she was sick. So the Prophet went to visit her and took care of her needs; this led her to embrace Islam. These are the teachings of our Prophet (SAW); consideration even towards the aggressors and abusers. Do we even try to act like this with our neighbors? No, we are actually the opposite. We keep our homes dirty and damage the rented property instead of saving it. The punch in the heart: This is the main fundamental part of inviting to Islam. The spinal cord of spreading Islam. It is to call Allah in the darkness of the night and ask Him to allow you and use you to spread Islam. Deep down in your heart you feel the burning desire to help others to see the reality of life. You can ask Allah, Oh Allah send your mercy, oh Allah open the heart of so and so. This way you are returning everything to Allah SWT, because He is the real owner of everything. You cannot say, I gave him/her this book, I gave the message, I taught them this, therefore I cannot do anything else for them. Can we meet Allah with this kind of attitude? People will believe in our conduct more than the books because once they open the book, they will realize that either the book is wrong or the person is a hypocrite. We cannot force teachings of Islam on people, we need to invite them to the truth with care and love in our hearts. We need to spread the true message of our creator, spread His mercy, His qualities and spread the reminder of death… no one can deny this reminder. We have to spread the real message of Allah SWT and not focus on the rulings, because rulings are for the believers, not for the people who do not believe, to begin with. Therefore burdening anyone with rules and regulations before developing the reality of Iman (faith) in their hearts will be futile. Allah SWT gave rulings to the believers saying, Oh you who believe. Are we as Muslims implementing these commands from Allah us as an individual, or as a family. As a Muslim implements the verses referring to those who believe, how can we tell someone else to follow these regulations when they do not even believe? Why do we push the women to put on Hijab (Veil) when they do not even have faith in Allah SWT? We push each other to build the outside but our insides are not clean. Islam is supposed to be inside out, not outside in. Not to say that outside is not important, but we need to set apriority. For this we need to ask the people who have knowledge and who have walked this path of an internal journey, and if we do not find any one then we should call Allah SWT. He will lead us if we are sincere. The message is the oneness of Allah, so go back to it. Focus in the message; do not go back and forth and debate about different topics because the majority of non-Muslims do not really know the truth and essence of Islam. We should tell the non-Muslims loud and clear to not look at the actions of the Muslims, rather to look upon the message and teachings of the Creator. People watch us; our clothing, the way we conduct ourselves amongst others, and the manners with which we carry ourselves more than how much knowledge we possess. It does not mean that knowledge is not important, it is important but the majority of the people in this world are very simple and they want a simple message. They hardly study about religion, regardless of the fact that they go to churches or synagogues. They hardly have knowledge about their own religion. The majority of the people believe in the Creator and it is our responsibility to teach them about Him. May Allah SWT allow us to reach the level of delivering His message. There is no way of reaching it unless we get closer to Allah; since Allah is the only one who can open the way for us, put the words in our hearts, and open the hearts of others for us. We can talk but our words cannot penetrate into someones heart unless Allah takes these words and puts them in the heart of others. So if we are not steadfast with Allah, do not have good manners with Him, neither do we respect nor obey Him, why would He use us to guide others? Why would Allah open the heart of others for us if we are not for Him? It is not our eloquent speech, and books that can guide others, but rather only Allah who can Guide. Books and speeches are just tools that Allah can accept and let people benefit from them. In order to reach this level we have to deny ourselves, be humble, be considerate and helpful to our families in the house, be neat and not make our surroundings dirty, let fresh air come into our homes, clean our bodies even if there is no one around and make sure we smell good because angels do not like dirt and we need their presence in our homes. Our Prophet Sallallahu alayh wa sallam was clean, neat, and he taught us to be clean. We have to always keep to our commitment; never say Inshallah to something while we do not plan to do it since Inshallah is a Qasm (swear). Where are the qualities of the Muslims? The Prophet (Sallallahu alayh wa sallam) said the signs of a hypocrite are three: *If he speaks he lies; *If he gives a commitment, he will not fulfill it (if he makes a promise, he brakes it) *When he is given a trust, he betrays it. These are the signs of a complete hypocrite, now I have to ask myself if I am among these people. We should study about the good character of Muslims and cry to Allah to give us this conduct.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 05:48:35 +0000

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