In 1Kings 17:13-16, Elijah is directing the widow to be fearless, - TopicsExpress


In 1Kings 17:13-16, Elijah is directing the widow to be fearless, he is directing her to make him some bread first, he is directing her to know and believe that the bin of flour shall not be used up and that the oil shall not run dry. 15 So she went and did according to the word of Elijah: and he, and she, and her household ate for approximately two years from a handful of flour and a cup of oil! God simply stands on the platform of nothing and creates something! Let us not forget those times that God showed up out of nowhere, to make provision for you, through you orthrough someone else. What about that scholarship? What about that husband or wife? What about that child that was born? What about that person that you blessed a long time ago that God has now positioned to bless you? What about that illness that disappeared? What about that unexpected check in the mail? What about that time that God airlifted you away from persecution? Surely there is one mustard seed experience that we can all remember or claim. Like Elijah did after his experience with the widow, go forth and walk with a predisposition and expectation that GOD HAS ALREADY MADE PROVISION. restoretogether
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 19:00:01 +0000

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