In general . . . . You have to look at EVERY Problem as an - TopicsExpress


In general . . . . You have to look at EVERY Problem as an Obstacle. A PROBLEM is an excuse you use as to why you failed. On the other hand, an OBSTACLE is something you overcome on your way to success. Below is a list of 20 Tips that have helped me along my journey to reach genuine happiness. I am sharing them in hopes it will help others achieve not only their goals & desires in life but also attain genuine joy & peace. BLeeving-N-You! 🍀 20 ULTIMATE TIPS FOR A BETTER LIFE 1. Time heals almost everything. Give time time. As difficult as this may be sometimes, sometimes this is literally the only answer with the exception of having FAITH that God will work it out. 2. Life is too short for long pity parties. Get busy LIVING, or get busy DYING. Stop being the victim and be the Victor! Theres a quote that Ive always kept in the back of my mind through all the difficult times that I have had to endure, and during those times I would remind myself of this daily. When you feel like youre in the eye of the storm and things couldnt get any worse, is when you know that the great things that God has in store for you is right around the corner. BELIEVE IT! 3. Dont compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all grateful for what you have & who you have in your life. Im sure youve heard the statement never judge a book by its cover … Well often times, people put on happy faces to the world but are struggling or are dealing with horrific things. So dont judge until you know. And even then, until youve walked in their shoes. who are you to speak. 4. Dont waste your precious time and energy on gossips, people that drain your energy, negative thoughts or things that are beyond your control. Focus only on what you have the ability to change. Instead of focusing on the negative, invest your energy in the present moment. Make sure you remain positive. Get in the habit of being Actively Positive! 5. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Forgive your enemies and love them. There is no need to fight your own battles, God is the best line backer you could ever have on your side. There are ALWAYS More people FOR you than AGAINST you . . . . Never loose sight of that! 6. Dont take yourself so seriously. No one else really does. Having said that, the definition of integrity is doing the right thing when no one is looking. If you want the slight edge over everyone, its about doing the little things the mundane things every day with consistency ... thats how you win the race! 7. You dont have to win every argument. Agree to disagree. Besides, when you learn to do this, you learn that the last person to talk looses, NOT wins. 8. Life isnt tied with a bow, but its still a gift. Treat each & every day as a gift. When you do this, the blessing you begin to receive makes every day feel like Christmas . . . . 9. No one is in charge of your happiness except you. You dont have control over what happens to you but you do have control over how you react to it. ONLY 10% of our attitude is based on what happens to us. And 90% of our attitude is based on how we Choose to React to it. As Eleanor Roosevelt once said no one can hurt you unless you give them permission to. 10. When you wake up in the morning, smile and tell yourself that its going to be the best day of my life! As stated previously, 90% of life is our attitude. If you make the decision to have a positive attitude every day even in the face of severe negativity, I promise you a positive attitude will yield positive results. 11. What other people think of you is none of your business. Crazy statement right, but you did hear me correctly. Its none of your business so why give it so much importance or value. Many of us struggle with this for it is important to us how others view us. I know Ive kind of always lives my life in that if someone was getting my eulogy what kind of person would they say I was? Although I still care to some extent what others think of me, self-confidence is a very very attractive trait. And although Ive had many people that have crossed my path that a try to destroy my confidence, and sometimes it was definitely lacking, but regardless of what others think, I know what kind of person I am. Always remember: How you view yourself will always be far more important than how others view you. 12. Take a slow 10-30 minute walk everyday & think about the things youre grateful for each day... In addition to taking time to remind yourself of your blessings, by taking this walk and giving your body exercise, it is releasing endorphins in your brain. For those of you unfamiliar with what endorphins are, its your feel-good hormones your happy hormones. 13. However good or bad a situation is, it will change. This to shall pass . . . . I am sure weve all heard that statement. Just because things are not happening for you right now does not mean that it will never happen. Patient has never been one of my strongest points. But I have learned that patience truly is a virtue. And although Gods timing is rarely ever in line with ours he already has your story written. Nothing is a surprise to him. 14. Your job wont take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch. It is easy to get caught up in every day life, the grind of going to work every day, coming home & taking care of our families. But friends are something special. Friends are people we choose to be our family. Not those that were born into. Because blood does not make you family. And when you come across those difficult times, its friends that will get you through! 15. Cry with someone. Its more healing than crying alone. CRYING IS HEALTHY! Thats right all you men, crying is a healthy coping mechanism. Having said that, crying can often lead us into our own little pity party. So crying with others allows us to have someone objective to bring us out of it and remind us of how special life is. 16. Remember that you are too blessed to be stressed. When youre at that place and you feel like things simply could not get any worse, try this activity. It sounds crazy but its remarkable how it works. Sit down and make a T on a piece of paper. Its a pros and cons list your blessings & your bad circumstances. Just take 3 minutes to write down whatever comes to your mind and put it under the appropriate category. When the 3 minutes is up, Id be willing to bet every single person, if theyre thinking of the blessings appropriately, will always have more blessings then bad situations. And if you dont, then I urge you to take your list to someone. Let them look at it. Because Id be willing to bet youre simply not recognizing your blessings. 17. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But dont worry; God never blinks. The bad situations or circumstances that happen to us are no surprise to God. He has our entire story already written from birth to death. If God takes you to a difficult situation, you can bet he will get you through it. He uses are difficult situations to do a work in us. Just let it happen . . . . It only takes a shift of gods favor to turn everything around… Like a blink of an eye! 18. Believe in miracles. Miracles happen every day… But we have to be willing to see them for the miracle that they are! Miracles are those things that seem impossible in the natural, but happen anyways 19. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up. In my college years, I learned that just by getting up and being there every day, that, in & of itself would set you 50% ahead of the curve. This is called the slight edge! The slight edge is doing the mundane things everyday with consistency. 20. Forward this to help someone lead a much happier life. . . . The fastest way to make yourself feel better is to help someone else feel better. Its like a natural anecdote. As one of my favorite authors and motivational speakers, Zig Ziglar, would say The fastest way to make it to the top is to help as many other people along the way. Have ☀Better Than Good Day‼️ Make it a POSITIVE Day! A Positive Attitude will yield {=} Positive Results Guaranteed! Fo Realz!
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 18:58:03 +0000

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