In our continuing series of my having diarrhea of the - TopicsExpress


In our continuing series of my having diarrhea of the keyboard, I would like to talk about the office of the President of the United States. As I know this can be an emotionally charged topic, I will say this at the outset, if you feel like politely debating or disagreeing with my monologue, that is fine and I welcome any POLITE discussion even if you disagree with me, healthy discussion is always welcome and opposing viewpoints just make the discussion more rich and rewarding. But to be clear, any hate filled or insulting posts WILL be relegated to the great bit bucket in the sky (AKA Deleted), if that bothers you, either stop reading and hide this post or unfriend me now. As our yearly cycle of Election bullshit closes, I can see my news feeds returning to their normal look and feel, there are some posts about cats, some people are discussing what they ate for dinner, some are posting pictures of their kids, some are posting live feeds of their HAVING kids at that very moment, a few weddings and the usual....But there is also a bunch of posts about the President of the United States, Some are praising him, some are disagreeing with him, and sadly most are insanely derogatory towards him. Before you all get up in arms, let’s make sure we all understand something, in this post, I am NOT discussing if President Obama is doing a good or bad job, we are not here to discuss his policies or he is a good/bad President, we are here to discuss the office of the President of the United States what level of respect the OFFICE should command. Never in my 40 years on this rock, have I witnessed the sheer level of disrespect, the sheer level of hatred and the sheer level of vitriol towards an American President as I have towards our current POTUS. Many of the people I speak with and many of whom I see posting the hate filled rants are also strangely enough hung up with saying that people dont show enough patriotism, they repost pictures of the American Flag, or signs that say America, love it or leave it etc.. Those same people then proceed to call the President of the United States ugly names, and this I have BIG problems with. If people want to claim to be Patriotic, keep in mind that it means more than just posting a picture of a flag, or saying a Pledge of Allegiance, it means we believe in our country, and that means believing in the laws it was founded on and the offices that represent it. Regardless of if you like him or do not like him, our current President was elected following those laws, was sworn in following those laws that we hold so dear and as such IS our President according to what is set forth in the Constitution Keep in mind, this has nothing to do with if he is doing a good or bad job, it doesnt mean that we have to believe he is always right, and I am most certainly NOT saying that since he is the President we have to agree with him or support him in everything he does. It is perfectly acceptable and American to disagree with him and his policies, it is quite acceptable to believe that a policy is wrong for America and to be vocal about that, if you dont like our current President then you just need to vote for the other candidate at the next election, heck its perfectly acceptable to try to convince others of what you believe, but all that being said, it is NOT acceptable to refer to any sitting President as a Piece of Shit or a Scumbag etc.. Regardless of how you feel, he is the President and any disrespect towards that office is disrespect to America, If you dont agree, or dont even like the man it doesnt matter, once sworn in, the proper title to refer to him as is President , or The President Now I have also had people tell me Hes not MY President, I didnt vote for him. Well, that doesnt matter. He was elected and sworn in, and under the Constitution we all hold so dear that means he is our and your President. If you insist on saying he is not your President, then you are in essence saying you are not American. There are some who claim that this is a result of his skin color, and some who claim his birth certificate is fake and that he is ineligible to be POTUS, for the purposes of this discussion that is completely IRRELEVANT, I am not here to discuss possible whys, that is for a whole different rant, I am here to discuss what IS. Now, all that being said. If you want to deride the POLICIES that is perfectly acceptable, under our (alleged) Democracy we are allowed to speak out and be vocal, having open discussion about policy and how it is good/bad is a foundational right of this country. It is also perfectly acceptable to believe or say that you believe he is a bad President if that is your belief, that is also your right, there is NOTHING in the Constitution saying you have to agree with him, nothing saying that you have to even like him as a President, but you DO need to respect the office. Hurling hateful hurtful insults at him is not only NOT acceptable, it is childish, immature and when you do it, you are insulting AMERICA. Bottom line, If you claim to love America, then that means having and showing a certain level of respect towards the symbols of America, and there is no greater symbol of America then its leader. You cannot only show respect to the office when its a President that YOU like, if you love America, then that means you love her during the good times and the bad times, you dont get to pick and choose when you love America Disagree with policy all you want, debate the policy all you want, believe that said policy will send us all down the tubes all you want, talk about it all you want, scream it from the rooftops if you want, advocate for change all you want, run for office and try to implement changes you want, that is your RIGHT as an American. But never direct insults or hatred towards the office of the President, regardless of whomever holds the office
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 23:32:58 +0000

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