In response to Fahmi Zainols noble intentions: I wouldnt put - TopicsExpress


In response to Fahmi Zainols noble intentions: I wouldnt put the blame solely on Fahmi. I believe I can understand the force within himself, waiting to push all boundaries, crossing every lines that has been drew. I also believed that he did not speaks for himself and there are a lot more out there who share the same views as him. Its a good thing that he has started to realise these flaws now and that has been the driving factor for him to change whatever it is he wants to. But Fahmi and to the rest of the young-blazing heart youth/student leaders, please look at this as an advice from a brother to another brother. You guys were elected by the students; and its not even the whole student community at your institution; to serve them, to speak on their behalf and addressing their problems to the university. I was once an elected member of MPP. You guys are not responsible neither obligated to interfere in the government related matters. Being elected as a member of student representative council (MPP) does not give you the right to use it as a platform to reform or overthrow the government. Know your limitations and your ultimate responsibility towards your fellow students and institution. I understand that you dont care about the penalty that you will get and the fact that you might be going behind the bars. But know that the consequences of your action will be devastating. For now, some quarters will appreciate your effort and praises you as the nations hero. In reality, youre just another tool for them and dont expect the same miracle on Pinocchio will happen to you. Please, focus on your studies and your responsibility as a student and as a student leader at your institution for now. Once youve graduated, by all means, do whatever reforms that you want to do using the right platform, even if that means being the leftist. And finally to ALL political parties and POLITICIANS, get your hands off the institutions and the students. Stop interfering in the campus elections and stop orienting their minds. You have everything to loose if you continue doing what you do. I can say this because I have experience it and its a fact. So just STOP it. Protect their welfare and ensure the high quality of our institutions, academics and our graduates.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 14:13:49 +0000

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