In the world of spiritual terminology there are all these fancy - TopicsExpress


In the world of spiritual terminology there are all these fancy words we use to describe our actions, such as: “manifesting,” “intention,” “projection,” “right action” and the list goes on .... and on. But, ultimately, what I’ve found is that there are two words that separate those that DO from those that only dream and it’s these two words: HARD WORK. I’m from a generation of kids who were raised on the Internet and are used to getting things like RIGHT NOW. I can’t even imagine what it’s like now, growing up with iPhone and iPads and not knowing a different world than that! And while I LOVE technology and have benefitted from it tremendously, there is a major downside I’m seeing out there with all this spontaneous tech - people are losing their patience. They don’t understand that the organic process of a dream coming true still takes time and WORK. It’s so easy to tweet, text, facetime and Skype that we’ve forgotten the basics. Here’s the bottom line. You can meditate (and I believe you should). You can do yoga (and I believe you should). You can drink green juice (and I believe you should). You can read tons of self-help books and go to seminars and read The Daily Love (and I believe you should). But ALL of that is merely preparation for the HARD WORK that is required to make your dreams come true. And many people don’t commit to hard work because they are afraid of failure. But what they don’t seem to understand is that failure is a part of your dream coming true. That ultimately it’s not failure, it’s a lesson, and if you learn from it and keep going, failure can be a great teacher. Hard work – DAILY – is what separates those that dream from those that DO. And I want nothing more than this generation of Lightworkers and those seeking higher consciousness to rock this life in the physical realm, too. I’m happy that you’ve mastered the internal realm and the ethers, but now it’s time to make it happen on Earth (as it is in Heaven). And we must keep going UNTIL we get the outcome that we want. I don’t believe in having a Plan B because it will inevitably distract you from Plan A. Plan A needs ALL your focus, all your energy, all your dedication and all your faith. What dream can you go full throttle on today?
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 15:53:17 +0000

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